
Areas of work

Risk Management

We oversee the strategic and operational risk areas of NUS and implement recommendations. This involves adopting a Risk Intelligent approach that comprises the use of social sensing tools and predictive analytics to complement traditional risk management processes and practices. 

For NUS Staff & Students

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Governance and Policies

Governance in NUS refers to framework of rules, systems and processes by which the University is held to account. We ensure the right processes are in place, established and monitored. 

For NUS Staff & Students

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The Whistleblowing (WBU) channel is an independent unit within NUS that allows staff, students and the general public to raise concerns and feedback. All suspected or actual wrongdoing reported will be investigated once the case has been substantiated. WBU will ensure all whistleblower are protected from reprisals when the cases are reported in good faith. 

Conflict of Interest

A Conflict-of-Interest (COI) refers to a situation in which an individual’s personal, professional and financial interest could potentially affect one’s judgement and performance when carrying out his/her duty to the University. We facilitate the resolution of the matters arising from the Conflict of Interest. 

For NUS Staff & Students

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Personal Data Protection

NUS recognize the importance of personal data that individual entrust to us. The University abides by the Personal Data Protection Acts (PDPA) which governs the 11 obligations including the collection, use or disclosure of personal data. The Data Protection Office (“DPO”), supported by the respective data stewards in NUS ensures the transparency and accountability of that personal data within NUS. 

For NUS Staff & Students

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Safety and Heath

We aim to promote a positive culture for safety, health and environment utilising the Safety & Health Management System (SHMS@NUS) to ensure best practices are upheld in departments and faculties. 

Additionally, we roll out programmes for biosafety, chemical safety, radiation safety and office safety to ensure staff and students are aware of hazards and risks.

For NUS Staff & Students

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We ensure that investigations into cases of concern or misconduct involving NUS staff are conducted objectively and impartially through reliable and accountable fact-finding processes so as to enforce policies that govern staff conduct in the University. 

For NUS Staff & Students

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Research Survey and Data Analytics

The Whistleblowing (WBU) channel is an independent unit within NUS that allows staff, students and the general public to raise concerns and feedback. All suspected or actual wrongdoing reported will be investigated once the case has been substantiated. WBU will ensure all whistleblower are protected from reprisals when the cases are reported in good faith. 

Risk Awareness Outreach

We have in place many programmes, events and initiatives to educate the NUS community on how everyone can do their part to stay risk-intelligent and build a culture of resilience. 
Learn more about our flagship events.

Risk Management

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Conflict of Interest

Personal Data Protection

Safety and Health


Research, Survey & Data Analytics

Risk Awareness Outreach

Enterprise Resilience

Strategic Risk

Operational Risk

Risk Intelligence

Governance and Policies

Personal Data Protection

Conflict of Interest Management

Safety and Health



Risk Awareness and Outreach