
- Only full-time students registered with the National University of Singapore (NUS) are eligible.
- International students (non-Singaporean/Singapore PR) are required to have the appropriate and valid passes as issued by the Immigration & Custom Authority (ICA) or Ministry of Manpower (MOM) during the course of their stay in an NUS hostel.
- Students are required to be insured under the NUS student insurance scheme or its equivalent throughout their stay in an NUS hostel.
- Students who are no longer of full-time status (e.g. on Leave of Absence, withdrew or graduated) and on Student Exchange Programme (SEP) are not eligible to stay in NUS student accommodation and will be given 7 days notice to vacate their rooms except under exceptional circumstances.
- Students with outstanding arrears in their accommodation accounts will not be eligible for an NUS accommodation.
- Students who are barred due to disciplinary or breach of housing agreement will not be eligible for an NUS accommodation for the duration of the barring period.
- Except under special considerations, Undergraduate students whose official status are designated as Graduate students (e.g. students on concurrent degree programmes) are not eligible for Undergraduate student’s accommodation and would have to apply for Graduate student accommodation.
Selection Criteria for Undergraduate Students
- New students who wish to apply for a place in one of the Halls during Freshman Accommodation Exercise will be selected based on their pre-University Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) and availability.
- For application to the Houses (Helix House, LightHouse and Pioneer House), each House has their own admission criteria and documents for submission. Please visit the respective House’s website for more information on the application.
- New students who wish to apply for a place in one of the Residential Colleges should first apply for admission to one of the following programmes:
- RC programmes (RVRC programme & UTCP) - Applications portal is opened from March to April 2025
- For semester 2 hostel application exercise (Halls and Houses), unless stated otherwise, the default selection criteria are based on eligibility and availability.
Allocation will be based on availability and the prevailing selection criteria.
Singapore PR
Students who obtained their Singapore PR status during their studies in the University will be assisted for their 1st year of studies subject to availability of accommodation and declaration during application. From year 2 onwards, allocation will be processed as a Singaporean applicant.
* New students who obtained their Singapore PR status before admission to NUS will be considered as Singaporean applicants
International Students (excluding Singapore PR)
Application for Halls and Houses only
First year international undergraduate students who apply for on-campus accommodation will be prioritised for housing in their first year of studies only, in order to offer them ample space and time for adjustment to a new country and learning environment.
NUS is committed to nurturing the holistic development of our students, and the residential experience is an important pillar for overall character development. Upon joining your allocated hostel, you are strongly encouraged to immerse yourself in local culture, develop your social skills, and expand your network through the myriad of hostel activities organised. This not only elevates your chances of staying on campus for the subsequent years of study but will also form many of your core memories of the University. For information about student life as an international student, click here.
Please ensure that you remember to submit your hostel application by the stipulated deadlines! You may also wish to note that Year 1 international students who applied during the 1st and 2nd application rounds and are not selected by the hostel of their choice, will be randomly allocated, subjected to availability.
Senior Undergraduates (Year 2) International Students
The same criteria will apply to all senior undergraduate students (local and international). Please refer to the RAS scheme for more information.
If you are successful for housing under RAS, please refer to the RAS section for information relating to criteria and term of housing offer.
Other Senior Undergraduates (Year 2 and above)
Halls, Houses & Residences
At NUS, we value the richness of perspective that comes with an environment steeped in diversity, and there is no better way to experience this than by living on campus. Students can expect to interact with peers from all walks of life, backgrounds and cultures when you choose to stay on campus.
1) Residence Admission Scheme (RAS)
- Under this scheme, interested students will be nominated by eligible student groups such as the NUS Students’ Union, faculty/non-Faculty clubs, Interest Groups and societies, and Varsity Athletes Scheme.
- Students offered via this scheme (Categories A, B and D) will only be allocated to Student Residences (Prince George’s Park Residence and UTown Residence).
- Students offered under the hostels’ Master’s List will be allocated to the Hall, House or Residence which they have applied and been accepted to.
- All offers under RAS are only for one semester.
Residence Admission Scheme 2025
Participating RAS groups eligible to nominate management committee and members for AY24/25 Sem 2 hostel stay
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for RAS in AY2025/2026
Below is the RAS timeline for official and active Societies and Interest Groups registered with OSA:
Date | Activity |
12 Feb 2025 |
OSA (Student Leadership & Development) will send email invitation to official and active Societies and Interest Groups registered with OSA to apply for their group to participate in RAS. |
12-26 Feb 2025 |
Application opens for Societies and Interest Groups to determine organisation eligibility to participate in RAS. Eligible student groups must meet the criteria and submit the required documents as outlined in the RAS Terms and Conditions. Student groups should also ensure that their IRRS document is shared with all members. |
26 Feb 2025, 8am | Application to determine organisation eligibility to participate in RAS closes. |
6 Mar 2025 |
Societies and Interest Groups will be informed by OSA (Student Leadership & Development) of the outcome of their group’s RAS eligibility application. Groups should proceed to determine their group’s RAS nominees internally based on their respective IRRS documents. |
18 Mar 2025, 8am |
Deadline for eligible Societies and Interest Groups participating in RAS to: 1. Submit online nomination form for both Categories A and D, attaching declaration forms by key Exco and endorsement of nomination list by Staff Advisor. 2. Circulate (via NUSync announcements, email or other official student organisation communication platforms) the list of nominated student names to all members. |
12 Mar 2025, 10am to 25 Mar 2025, 11.59am |
Period for students nominated by the participating RAS groups to submit their hostel application for Residences (Prince George’s Park Residence and UTown Residence) at the hostel application portal (https://uhms.nus.edu.sg/StudentPortal). |
7 April 2025 | OSA (Hostel Admission Services) will send email to inform the nominees (who have submitted their hostel application for Residences by the deadline) on their results for hostel application. Alternatively, students can also check their hostel application outcome at the hostel application portal (https://uhms.nus.edu.sg/StudentPortal). |
11 Apr 2025, 11.59am |
Deadline for acceptance of offer and payment of SGD200 acceptance fee for students who have been offered hostel stay in the Residences. |
2) Returning seniors to same or another hostel
- Students will be considered by the halls and houses based on their contributions to residential life and community building at the hostel in the preceding year of their application or possible contributions and/or leadership positions in the coming residential year.
Students who wish to apply for a room in the Residential Colleges will first need to apply and be accepted into the Ridge View Residential College Programme (RVRCP), University Town College Programme (UTCP) or NUS College (NUSC). For programme application windows and the application process, please refer to RC programmes (RVRC programme & UTCP) and NUSC websites respectively. Students wishing to stay in their desired accommodation are expected to meet the prevailing admission criteria.
Students on Leave of Absence during the first two years will no longer be guaranteed upon their return from Leave of Absence and are required to submit an appeal for accommodation. The appeal will be reviewed and subject to approval by Office of Student Affairs.
Overseas SEP/NOC students are not assured of accommodation upon their return to NUS. Allocation will be based on the prevailing admission criteria and availability.
Singapore PR students will be processed as a Singaporean applicant.