Single-Honours Double Degree in Law and BBA Programme

Programme Structure / Cohorts 2017 and 2018

##: NUS will adopt three new academic terminologies from 1 August 2023 - “Module” will be renamed “Course”, “Modular Credit (MC)” will be renamed “Unit”, and “Cumulative Average Point (CAP)” will be renamed “Grade Point Average (GPA)”. The definition of a Module/Course and MC/Unit will remain the same, and there will be no change to the computation of the CAP/GPA.

Degree Requirements
(A) University Level Requirements  20 MCs
GEM from 5 pillars
(one module from each pillar; to be counted towards BIZ degree only)
20 MCs
(B) Law Requirements 96 MC
Law Compulsory Core Modules 88 MC
Law Elective Modules 8 MC
(C) Business Requirements 42 MC
Business Core Modules
(Refer to Table A)
42 MC
(BSP1702 & ES2002 exempted))
Business Specialization Modules
(total 24 MCs)^
(+ 24 MC from common modules)
(D) Common Modules (CM) 24 MC
Business Common Modules
(Refer to Table B)
24 MC from Common Module Lists:
- Minimum 8 MCs of BIZ modules;
- Minimum 8 MCs of Law modules.
Law Common Modules
TOTAL (minimum) 182 MC
Curriculum and MCs may change without prior notice.

^ It is not compulsory for DDP students to specialize in a business area for the BBA degree, but they are still required to complete 24 MCs of electives based on the above arrangement. Students who wish to specialize in a business area may have to read extra modules to meet the respective specialization requirements. Business (home faculty) students who withdraw from the DDP and return to the BBA/BBA(H) single degree programme are still required to specialise.

Other Graduation Requirements

BIZ preparatory modules (zero-MC)

  1. Academic orientation modules (online)*:
    1. BPM1701 Calculus & Statistics
    2. BPM1702 Microsoft Excel Skills for Business
  2. Intensive 1st-year primer module*:
    1. BPM1705 Understanding How Business Works
  3. Career Preparation Modules:
    1. Career Creation Starter Modules:
      1. STR1000 Career Creation Starter Workshops **
      2. STR2000 Career Creation Starter Clinics **
    2. Global Immersion and Study

* These must be completed in the first semester. Late-entry DDP students must complete these in the first available semester of commencing DDP.

** Students whose home faculty is not Business School will be granted a waiver of these two modules if they have already read and passed both CFG1010 Roots & Wings 1.0 and CFG2001 Career Catalyst before 2018. There is no partial waiver or new substitutions.

ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers 4 MC
BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business* 4 MC
BSP1703 Managerial Economics 4 MC
BSP2701 Global Economy 2 MC
BSP3701 Strategic Management 4 MC
DAO1704 Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets 4 MC
DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics 4 MC
DAO2703 Operations and Technology Management 4 MC
ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA)* 4 MC
FIN2704 Finance 4 MC
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing 4 MC
MNO1706 Organizational Behaviour 4 MC
MNO2705 Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty 4 MC

cStudents in DDP in Business and Law are exempted from BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business and ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA).

ACC2707 Corporate Accounting & Reporting I 4 MC
ACC2708 Corporate Accounting & Reporting II 4 MC
FIN3701 Corporate Finance 4 MC
FIN3702 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 4 MC
FIN3703 Financial Markets 4 MC
FIN3711 International Financial Management 4 MC
FIN3712 Options and Futures 4 MC
FIN3713 Bank Management 4 MC
FIN3714 Financial Risk Management 4 MC
FIN3715 Risk and Insurance 4 MC
FIN4761A SIF: Private Equity 4 MC
FIN4761B SIF: Investment Banking 4 MC
FIN4761C SIF: Applied Portfolio Management Techniques 4 MC
For other general information, please refer to the Double Degree Programme Framework & Guidelines in the Registrar's Office website.