Double-Honours Degree in Law and BBA (Acc Hons) Programme

Programme Structure / Cohorts 2019 and 2020

##: NUS will adopt three new academic terminologies from 1 August 2023 - “Module” will be renamed “Course”, “Modular Credit (MC)” will be renamed “Unit”, and “Cumulative Average Point (CAP)” will be renamed “Grade Point Average (GPA)”. The definition of a Module/Course and MC/Unit will remain the same, and there will be no change to the computation of the CAP/GPA.

Degree Requirements
(A) University Level Requirements (one module from each pillar; to be counted towards BIZ degree only) 20 MCs
GEMs 20 MCs
(B) Law Programme Requirements 92 MCs
Law Compulsory Core Modules 80 MCs
[+ 8 MC LC2008 common module]
Law Elective Modules 12 MCs
(C) Business Programme Requirements 76 MCs
BBA (ACC) Core Modules
(Refer to Table A)
32 MCs
(BSP1702 & MNO2706 exempted)
Accountancy Compulsory Modules
(Refer to Table B)
28 MCs
[+16 MC from Common Modules]
Business Honours Requirements 12 MCs
(+ 8 MC of FSP from common modules)
Compulsory Accountancy Internship 4 MCs
(D) Common Modules 28 MCs
ACC2707 Corporate Accounting & Reporting I 4 MCs
ACC2708 Corporate Accounting & Reporting II 4 MCs
LC2008 Company Law
(in place of ACC3702)
8 MCs
LL4056% Tax Planning and Policy^
(in place of ACC3703)
4 MCs
Integrated Field Service Project @ 8 MCs
(E) Unrestricted Elective Requirements
Unrestricted Elective Modules 0 MCs
TOTAL (minimum) 216 MCs
Curriculum and MCs may change without prior notice.

^ If LL4056% is not offered, ACC3703 Taxation can be read as a common module instead.

@ Students will read an integrated Field Service Project (iFSP) module that will double count towards the Field Service Project requirement for the Business Honours programme and Law Electives for the Law programme. The project should integrate both Business and Law in order to achieve a balance between the learning objectives of both fields.

The iFSP will be conducted by the Business School. Once the project is in place, the Business School will source for the supervisor. However, while the Business School will try to source for projects for iFSP (similar to what it does in relation to FSP), students should try to source for their own projects. Projects sourced by the Business School may not fit student timelines or may not be suitable and thus the latter option is preferable. It must also be stressed that the Business School does not guarantee that a suitable project would be found. This is a concession and not a right. If a suitable project cannot be found, students would have to do a normal business FSP and 2 level-4 law modules in replacement.

The integrated project has to focus on both business and legal issues. These issues may be related or unrelated. Word limits, assessments as well as other iFSP criteria are similar to a regular FSP offered to Business students. Given its very specialized nature, the number of students within a group is flexible, though there needs to be approval as to the final number.

Other Graduation Requirements

BIZ preparatory modules (zero-MC)

  1. Academic orientation modules (online)*:
    1. BPM1701 Calculus & Statistics
    2. BPM1702 Microsoft Excel Skills for Business
  2. Intensive 1st-year primer module*:
    1. BPM1705 Understanding How Business Works
  3. Career Preparation Modules:
    1. Career Creation Starter Modules:
      1. STR1000 Career Creation Starter Workshops **
      2. STR2000 Career Creation Starter Clinics **
    2. Global Immersion and Study

* These must be completed in the first semester. Late-entry DDP students must complete these in the first available semester of commencing DDP.

** Students whose home faculty is not Business School will be granted a waiver of these two modules if they have already read and passed both CFG1010 Roots & Wings 1.0 and CFG2001 Career Catalyst before 2018. There is no partial waiver or new substitutions.

ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers 4 MCs
BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business * 4 MCs
BSP1707 Managerial Economics: Exposure 2 MCs
BSP2701 Global Economy 2 MCs
DAO1704 Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets 4 MCs
DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics 4 MCs
DAO2703 Operations and Technology Management 4 MCs
MNO2706 Business Communication for Leaders (ACC) * 4 MCs
FIN2704 Finance 4 MCs
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing 4 MCs
MNO1706 Organisational Behaviour 4 MCs
MNO2705 Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty 4 MCs

*Students in DDP in Business and Law are exempted from BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business and MNO2706 Business Communication for Leaders (ACC).

ACC2706 Managerial Accounting 4 MCs
ACC2707 Corporate Accounting & Reporting I ^^ 4 MCs
ACC2708 Corporate Accounting & Reporting II ^^ 4 MCs
ACC2709 Accounting Information Systems 4 MCs
ACC3701 Assurance and Attestation 4 MCs
ACC3702 Corporate and Securities Law @ 4 MCs
ACC3703 Taxation # 4 MCs
ACC3704 Advanced Corporate Accounting & Reporting 4 MCs
ACC3705 Valuation 4 MCs
ACC3706 Corporate Governance and Risk Management 4 MCs
ACC3707 Integrated Perspectives in Accounting and Business 4 MCs

^^ double-counted as Common Modules
@ Replaced by LC2008 Company Law
# Replaced by common module LL4056% Tax Planning and Policy

For other general information, please refer to the Double Degree Programme Framework & Guidelines in the Registrar's Office website.