Single-Honours Double Degree in BSocSci (Hons) CNM and BBA Programme

Programme Structure / Cohorts 2017 & 2018

##: NUS will adopt three new academic terminologies from 1 August 2023 - “Module” will be renamed “Course”, “Modular Credit (MC)” will be renamed “Unit”, and “Cumulative Average Point (CAP)” will be renamed “Grade Point Average (GPA)”. The definition of a Module/Course and MC/Unit will remain the same, and there will be no change to the computation of the CAP/GPA.

Degree Requirements Cohorts 2017 & 2018
(A) University Level Requirements 20 MC
GEM from 5 Pillars
(need only one set; double-counted) (see Note 5)
20 MC
(B) Business Programme Requirements 58 MC
Core Modules (refer to Table A) 46 MC
(excluding ES2002)
Business Electives / Specialisation modules
(see Note 1)
12 MC
(+12 MC common modules: Min. 4 MC from BIZ, Min. 4 MC from CNM)
(C) FASS Requirements 16 MC
FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts & Social Sciences
(see Note 2)
4 MC
Faculty Exposure Modules 12 MC
(including NM1101E)
(D) CNM Requirements 72 MC
Essential Modules (refer to Table C) 17 MC
Honours Thesis # 15 MC
Elective Major Modules (See Note 6) 40 MC
(+12 MC common modules: Min. 4 MC from BIZ, Min. 4 MC from CNM)
(E) Common Modules (double-counted) 16 MC
FAS1102 Public Writing and Communication
(in place of ES2002; see Notes 3 & 4)
Or USR4002A Intellectual Responsibility in a Complex World
(for USP students; see Note 2)
4 MC
Selected BIZ and NM Modules from Table B 12 MC
(min. 4 MC from BIZ; 4 MC from CNM)
(F) Unrestricted Elective Requirements  0 MC
Unrestricted Elective Modules Exempted
Sub-Total  0 MC
TOTAL (minimum) 182 MC
Curriculum and MCs may change without prior notice.

# As the Honours thesis is optional, students may replace it with level-4000 modules that will count towards their CNM Honours requirements only.

Other Graduation Requirements

BIZ preparatory modules (zero-MC)

  1. Academic orientation modules (online)*:
    1. BPM1701 Calculus & Statistics
    2. BPM1702 Microsoft Excel Skills for Business
  2. Intensive 1st-year primer module*:
    1. BPM1705 Understanding How Business Works
  3. Career Preparation Modules:
    1. Career Creation Starter Modules:
      1. STR1000 Career Creation Starter Workshops **
      2. STR2000 Career Creation Starter Clinics **
    2. Global Immersion and Study

* These must be completed in the first semester. Late-entry DDP students must complete these in the first available semester of commencing DDP.

** Students whose home faculty is not Business School will be granted a waiver of these two modules if they have already read and passed both CFG1010 Roots & Wings 1.0 and CFG2001 Career Catalyst before 2018. There is no partial waiver or new substitutions.

ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers 4 MC
BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business 4 MC
BSP1703 Managerial Economics 4 MC
BSP2701 Global Economy 2 MC
BSP3701 Strategic Management 4 MC
DAO1704 Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets 4 MC
DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics 4 MC
DAO2703 Operations and Technology Management 4 MC
ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA) ^ 4 MC
FIN2704 Finance 4 MC
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing 4 MC
MNO1706 Organizational Behaviour 4 MC
MNO2705 Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty 4 MC
Total 50 MC

^ ES2002 is replaced by common module FAS1102 in this DDP.

Business Modules CNM Modules

Operations & Supply Chain Management
DOS3701 Supply Chain Management
DOS3703 Service Operations Management
DOS3711 Strategic Information Systems
DOS3713 Project Management

Business Analytics
DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting

Leadership & Human Capital Management
MNO3702 Negotiation and Conflict Management

MKT3701 Marketing Management
MKT3702 Consumer Behaviour
MKT3711 Services Marketing
MKT3721 Global Marketing
MKT3716 Customer Relationship Management
MKT3718 Advertising & Promotion Management 
(anti-requisite: NM3215 Advertising Strategies)

Innovation & Entreprenuership
BSN3701 Technological Innovation (former TR2202)

Others (non-specialisation)
TR2201 Entrepreneurial Marketing  
(only for module completed before August 2023)

NM2201 Intercultural Communication (recognised as MNO3761% Topics in Leadership & Human Capital Management)

NM2203 Social Media in Communication Management

NM2209 Social Psychology of New Media

NM2219 Principles of Communication Management

NM2220 Introduction to Media Writing

NM2222 Ethics in Communication and New Media

NM3202 Governance and New Media (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM3203 Copyright and New Media (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM3204 E-Learning (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM3215 Advertising Strategies (anti-requisite: MKT3718 Advertising & Promotion Management)

NM3217 Principles of Communication Design

NM3219 Writing for Communication Management

NM3224 Culture Industries (recognised as MNO3761% Topics in Leadership & Human Capital Management)

NM3232 Strategic Communication

NM3233 Strategic Communication: Applications (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM3234 Leadership, Organisations and New Media (not applicable from AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM3235 Corporate and Social Responsibility and Practice (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM3236 Ethics in Communication Management (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM4202 Transnational Information Producers (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM4204 Ethics in Emergent Technologies (Formerly known as Ethics in Communications and New Media)

NM4206 Media Regulation and Governance (recognised as MKT3761% Topics in Marketing)

NM4208 Strategic Communication Design

NM4213 Digital Economies

NM4218 Knowledge Management: Approaches & Critique (discontinued w.e.f. AY2019/2020 Sem 1)

NM4223 New Media and Organisations

NM4228 Crisis Communication

NM4881A Topics in Media Studies: Social Media

NM4883G Financial Communication

Module Code Module Title
NM1101E or NM1101X Communications, New Media and Society
(This will be counted towards Faculty Core)
NM2101 Theories of Communications and New Media
NM2103 Quantitative Research Methods
NM2104 Qualitative Communication Research Methods
NM4102 Advanced Communications and New Media Research
(Compulsory only for B.Soc.Sci. (Hons) only)


  1. It is not compulsory for DDP students to specialise in a business area for the BBA degree, but they are still required to complete 24 MCs of electives based on the above arrangement. Pursuing a business specialisation may involves reading extra modules in order to fulfil the specialisation's requirements. Business students who withdraw from DDP are still required to complete a specialisation.
  2. USP/U-Town students are not required to read FAS1101. USP/UTown students may replace FAS1101 with UWC2101, UTW1001, or UTW2001.

    USP students who are in this DDP are also exempted from reading FAS1102 (which also replaces MNO2706) because USR4002A Intellectual Responsibility in a Complex World is considered to be equivalent to FAS1102. In the event that you exit from USP without having read UWC2101 or USR4002A, you would need to read FAS1101 and FAS1102 respectively. FAS1101 will count towards only the FASS degree’s requirement and its CAP, while FAS1102 will double-count towards both the FASS and Business degrees’ respective requirements and CAPs.
  3. Business (home faculty) students who are admitted into the DDP after the first year of studies are also required to read FAS1101 (except those mentioned in Note 2) and FAS1102. However, if they have already read ES2002 prior to joining the DDP, they do not need to read FAS1102 as ES2002 will be considered the common module (replacing FAS1102).
  4. Business (home faculty) students who withdraw from the DDP and return to the BBA/BBAH single degree programme are required to read ES2002 even if they have completed FAS1101 or FAS1102 or both. Business students who have read UWC2101 or ES1601 do not need to read ES2002.
  5. Students in this DDP need not read and pass GET1031A Computational Thinking to fulfil the University’s Computational Thinking requirement although this is an identified module for FASS students. This is because BIZ core module DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics will fulfil the requirement. Therefore, please take steps to choose another GET module to fulfil your GET pillar requirement. The grade and credits of DAO2702 will count towards the BBA degree requirement only.

    DDP students whose home faculty is FASS – in the event that you exit from the DDP and have not read the identified Computational Thinking module offered by Business (ie DAO2702), you would need to read GET1031A. This will likely be counted towards your unrestricted elective requirement and may potentially be an excess module, if you have already read another GET module. Do note that for excess modules read, the grades will still be factored into your CAP.

    DDP students whose home faculty is Business – there is no impact if you were to exit from the DDP as DAO2702 is the core requirement of your Business degree. Please read a GET module other than GET1031A to fulfil your Thinking & Expression pillar.
  6. Detailed requirements to fulfil Elective Major Modules:
    • A minimum of 57 MCs of level-2000 or higher (including NM2101, NM2103, NM2104) with:
      1. A minimum of 20 MCs of level 3000 NM or NM-recognised modules
      2. A minimum of 40 MCs of level 4000 or higher (including NM4102)
      3. A maximum of 2 level 5000 NM modules (subject to department's approval)
    • A maximum of 12 MCs of recognised modules (optional)
  7. EC1301 can only be used to satisfy the UE requirement but not the Social Sciences exposure requirements. Hence, DDP students have to read another Social Sciences exposure module (such as NM1101E or PL110E or SC1101E) to complete the FASS’ faculty core requirements. 
  8. For other general information, please refer to the Double Degree Programme Framework & Guidelines in the Registrar's Office website.