Double Degree Programme in Economics and Business

To nurture business leaders of tomorrow with an additional edge in economics

The double degree programmes integrate and synergise the strengths of the two disciplines in Economics and Business. Business is multi-disciplinary and imparts the necessary skill set for meeting the challenges of the business world, while Economics, being a science of choice, imparts the skill sets for problem-solving. The two are therefore complementary and inextricably interwoven.

Both combinations of economics and business is to nurture business-savvy professionals with an edge in economics. The programmes are designed so that students may complete it in a reasonable timeframe. However, DDP Econs + BBA (Acc.)/ BBA(Acc.Hons) may need to extend beyond 5 years.

The maximum period of candidature will be six years. For DDP involving BBA (Acc) or BBA (Acc. Hons) the maximum period of candidature will be seven years.

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and the School of Business (BIZ) jointly offer the following six options of double degree programmes in Economics and BBA/BBA (Acc.):

  1. BBA(Hons)/BSocSci(Hons) - a double honours degree programme
  2. BBA(Hons)/BA - a single honours double degree programme
  3. BSocSci(Hons)/BBA - a single honours double degree programme
  4. BBA(Acc. Hons)/ BSocSci(Hons) - a double honours degree programme
  5. BBA(Acc. Hons)/BA - a single honours double degree programme
  6. BSocSci(Hons)/BBA(Acc.) - a single honours double degree programme


Students will be admitted to the DDP only if they meet the requirements of both the NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FASS) and NUS Business School (BIZ).

Students may be admitted to the DDP in one of the following ways:

  1. Direct admission through the University's admissions exercise.
  2. Admission at the completion of the first year of FASS (Economics) or BBA(Acc.)/BBA(Acc.Hons). To be eligible to apply, the student must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.75 out of 5.0.

Applicants must have H1 pass in Mathematics or ‘O’ level Additional Mathematics, or otherwise demonstrated equivalent preparation.

FASS students who plan to enroll in this DDP after their first year of study are required to read at least two Business courses to enable them to better understand the Business programme. Students applying to the Accountancy DDP must have obtained at least B+ grade for ACC1701X Accounting for Decision Makers, and preferably also ACC2706 Managerial Accounting. Similarly, Business students are required to read at least two Economics courses. The grades of these exposure courses will be considered during the shortlisting process.


The fees payable by students in the double degree programme will be in accordance with University guidelines on tuition fees.


Please refer to DDP Framework and Guidelines.