Double-Honours Degree in BCOMP (CS) (Hons) and BBA (Hons) Programme

Programme Structure / 2020 Cohort

##: NUS will adopt three new academic terminologies from 1 August 2023 - “Module” will be renamed “Course”, “Modular Credit (MC)” will be renamed “Unit”, and “Cumulative Average Point (CAP)” will be renamed “Grade Point Average (GPA)”. The definition of a Module/Course and MC/Unit will remain the same, and there will be no change to the computation of the CAP/GPA.

Degree Requirements for Double-Honours DDP 2020 Cohort Remarks
(A) University Level Requirements 20 MCs
GEMs 20 MCs Only 1 set is required; to be double-counted towards both degrees)
(B) BBA Programme Requirements 90MCs
Core Modules 50 MCs Refer to Table A. Subject to double-counting in Table B.
Specialisation Modules ^ 20 MCs Subject to double counting in Table B.
Honours Requirements 20 MCs Research Pathway
  • Integrated Honours Dissertation (12 MCs common module)
  • Field Service Project (8 MCs) or
Advanced Independent Study modules outside dissertation area (8 MCs)

Coursework Pathway
  • Level-4000 specialisation / non-specialisation modules (12 MCs). Up to one module may be a computing level-4000 module in the Common Modules List.
  • Field Service Project (8 MCs)
(C) BComp Programme Requirements 108 MCs (112 MCs for VnP and TP tracks)
CS Foundation 32 MCs Students read 32 MCs of CS Foundation. Students will read CS2103 in place of CS2103T.
CS Breadth and Depth (exclude BComp Dissertation /Industrial Experience Training) 36 MCs (40 MCs for VnP and TP tracks) Students read the required number of MCs for CS Breadth and Depth. On fulfilment of at least a CS Focus area from the 28 MCs of CS modules, students may complete the remaining MC requirement by using common modules not double-counted elsewhere (refer to Table B). Students must have at least 12 MCs of modules at level-4000 or higher.
IT Professionalism 12 MCs Students read and double-count ES2002 in place of CS2101 (refer to Table B)
Mathematics and Sciences 16 MCs Students read the required MCs for Mathematics and Sciences.
BComp Dissertation / Industrial Experience Training 12 MCs Students read an integrated honours dissertation/thesis which will double count towards both degree requirements. Students in Turing Programme must complete CP4101 BComp Dissertation.
(D) Common Modules Subject to the maximum allowed for DDP programmes, double-countable modules include
  • common modules from Table B(1);
  • IHT/IHD from Table B(2), if applicable; and
  • From Table B(3):
    • Maximum three BIZ Modules
    • Maximum three CS Modules
(New common modules may be introduced later.)
(E) Unrestricted Elective   Exempted for DDP in general, but may be required to meet any shortfall of MC.
TOTAL 218 MCs (222 MCs for VnP and TP tracks)  
Curriculum and MCs may change without prior notice.

^ It is not compulsory for DDP students to do a specialisation for the BBA degree, but they are still required to complete 20 MCs of electives based on the above arrangement. Students who wish to specialise in a business area may have to read extra modules to meet the respective specialisation requirements. Business (home faculty) students who withdraw from the DDP and return to the BBA/BBA(H) single degree programme are still required to specialise.

Other Graduation Requirements

BIZ preparatory modules (zero-MC)

  1. Academic orientation modules (online)*:
    1. BPM1701 Calculus & Statistics
    2. BPM1702 Microsoft Excel Skills for Business
  2. Intensive 1st-year primer module*:
    1. BPM1705 Understanding How Business Works
  3. Career Preparation Modules:
    1. Career Creation Starter Modules:
      1. STR1000 Career Creation Starter Workshops **
      2. STR2000 Career Creation Starter Clinics **
    2. Global Immersion and Study

* These must be completed in the first semester. Late-entry DDP students must complete these in the first available semester of commencing DDP.

** Students whose home faculty is not Business School will be granted a waiver of these two modules if they have already read and passed both CFG1010 Roots & Wings 1.0 and CFG2001 Career Catalyst before 2018. There is no partial waiver or new substitutions.

ACC1701 Accounting for Decision Makers 4 MCs
BSP1702 Legal Environment of Business 4 MCs
BSP1703 Managerial Economics 4 MCs
BSP2701 Global Economy 2 MCs
BSP3701 Strategic Management 4 MCs
DAO1704 Decision Analytics using Spreadsheets 4 MCs
DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics 4 MCs
DAO2703 Operations and Technology Management (common module) 4 MCs
ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA) (common module) 4 MCs
FIN2704 Finance 4 MCs
MKT1705 Principles of Marketing 4 MCs
MNO1706 Organisational Behaviour 4 MCs
MNO2705 Leadership and Decision Making under Uncertainty 4 MCs
(1) Standard Common Modules (Core) ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA) or UWC2101% Writing & Critical Thinking or ES1601 Professional & Academic Communication
(in place of CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals)
DAO2703 Operations & Technology Management (in place of CS Elective)
(2) Common Modules For Double-Honours DDP Only
- if Business Honours Research Pathway is chosen
XFB4001 or XFC4101 Integrated Honours Thesis @ (12 MCs)
(3) Other Common Modules (Electives)
SoC CS4234 Optimisation Algorithms (in place of BIZ non-specialisation elective)
CS4246 AI Planning & Decision Making (in place of a BIZ specialisation elective for Business Analytics)
(max. 3 modules)
DOS3712 Physical Distribution Management (in place of a CS Elective)
DBA3701 Introduction to Optimisation (in place of a CS Elective)
DBA3711 Stochastic Models in Management (in place of a CS Elective)
DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting (in place of a CS Elective)

@ DDP students who are not able to secure an Integrated Honours Thesis will read two honours dissertations to fulfil both degree requirements separately.


  1. Students in this DDP who have read CS2102 and wish to specialise in Business Analytics (BA) for their business degree: please read one more BA specialisation module (in lieu of IT3010).
  2. Due to the many permutations available, students reading this programme will construct a personalised double-degree programme curriculum with the help of the DDP administrators from both schools.
  3. For other general information, please refer to the Double Degree Programme Framework & Guidelines in the Registrar's Office website.