##: NUS will adopt three new academic terminologies from 1 August 2023 - “Module” will be renamed “Course”, “Modular Credit (MC)” will be renamed “Unit”, and “Cumulative Average Point (CAP)” will be renamed “Grade Point Average (GPA)”. The definition of a Module/Course and MC/Unit will remain the same, and there will be no change to the computation of the CAP/GPA.
Programme Structure for Cohort 2021 onwards
BSocSci (Hons) and LLB (Hons). Double Honours Degree Programme
Programme Structure for Cohort 2021 onwards
Double Honours Degree Requirements (Cohort 2021)
Course Classification
Degree / Units Requirement
(A) CHS common core requirements (refer to Note 1)
(1) Asian Studies Integrated Module
4 Units
(2) HSH1000 Humanities Integrated Module #
4 Units
(3) HSS1000 Social Sciences Integrated Module #
4 Units
(4) Data Literacy
4 Units
(5) Digital Literacy
4 Units
(6) Communities and Engagement
4 Units
(7) Artificial Intelligence
4 Units
(8) DTK1234 Design Thinking #
4 Units
(9) Scientific Inquiry I #
4 Units
(10) Scientific Inquiry II
4 Units
(11) Interdisciplinary Module I
4 Units
(12) Interdisciplinary Module II
4 Units
Sub-Total 48 Units
(B) Law Requirements
Law Compulsory Core Modules
88 Units
Law Elective Course
4 - 5 Units
Sub-Total 92-93 Units
(C) Economics Requirements
Economics Core Courses
32 Unit
Economics Elective Courses
4 Unit
Sub-Total 36 Units
(D) Common
Courses (CM)
Compulsory Economics Common Course
EC3396 (4 Units)
Elective Common Courses
(12-15) Units (refer to
Note 2)
Honours Thesis (XFA4411) or courses from the table of common courses
8 Units
Sub-Total (24-27) Units
(200 – 204) Units
(1) For students whose home faculty is FoL, a number of CHS common core
courses (marked by #) will be pre-allocated to you in your third year of
study as you are expected to start reading courses to satisfy the FASS
degree requirements from the third year (i.e, if you are of Cohort 2021,
the CHS common core and EC gateway course (EC1101E) will be pre-allocated
to you from AY2023-24). Please refer to
for the pre-allocation sequence.
Please note that there is a list of prescribed courses for the various
categories of CHS common courses. You are required to follow the list of
courses posted at
and select a course from the list for each of the CHS common core
requirements. For example, there are currently two courses (HS1501 and
IT1244) in the list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) requirement. You must
choose one of the two courses and pass it to fulfil the requirement of the
AI. Courses which are not listed under the respective categories are not
recognised towards the requirement.
Please note that students in the Double Degree Programme in Economics and
Law are exempted from reading the writing course.
(2) The Unit requirements here excludes the course read to
fulfil the Asian Studies requirement.
(3) Late-entry students who were in the USP/NUSC, UTCP or RVRC may partially count the courses taken at the respective college programmes towards part of the CHS common core requirements as laid out in Annex A.
(4) C1 means the credits and grades of the courses will be factored into
your first degree, C2 means the units and grades of the courses will be
factored into your second degree and CA means the units and grades of the
courses will be factored to both degrees. In this illustration, Law is
deemed to be your home faculty and thus your first degree.
Annex A_Cohort 2021 onwards
A_Cohort 2022 onwards