Protection of research subjects'/tissue donors’ individually identifiable data
- Steps must be taken to protect subjects'/donors’ personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, modification or destruction, or unauthorised accecss, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
- There should be no re-identification of anonymised information or biological material without consent.
Use of de-identified or anonymised data or human biological material
- Where possible:
- Work with de-identified data or human biological material during research
- Pass all identifying information to an independent Trusted Third Party for safe-keeping.
- If identifiers must be retained, adhere to your institution's Data Management Policy or equivalent guidance document to ensure reasonable steps and safeguards are in place.
For NUS Researchers, please see NUS Guide on Trusted Third Party (TTP) Arrangements and Safeguards to Protect Human Subject Research (HSR) Identifiers in Additional Resources (last page).