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Teaching Mentoring Coffee Session with Medical & Dentistry

On 6 December 2019, NUS Teaching Academy held a teaching mentoring outreach activity for Medical and Dentistry faculty members. Led by Academy’s Medical Cluster Leads Academy Fellows A/P Kelvin Foong and A/P Yeong Foong May, the session began with an introduction of Academy’s role and journey towards excellence in teaching. 


  • Associate Professor Kelvin Foong Weng Chiong (Dentistry)
  • Associate Professor Yeong Foong May (Medicine)
  • Associate Professor Yanika Kowitlawakul (Nursing)
  • Associate Professor Ho Han Kiat (Pharmacy)


  • Innovation in Teaching, Student Feedback (& the Evaluation and Reward System)
  • Gathering Data after Teaching Intervention
  • Medical Influences
  • Teaching How to Learn
  • Reasons behind Medical Errors and Malpractices
  • Other Suggestions