

Academy Fellows embark on projects of importance to various sections of the NUS community, as well as our wider Teaching and Learning community. These projects combine Fellows’ cross-disciplinary expertise with well-scoped research into related scholarship, ground sentiments and pedagogical experimentation. 

Current Projects

Community & Engagement

To examine courses with Community & Engagement components and develop rubrics to measure the outcomes of C&E courses.


To examine the interdisciplinary landscape and develop evaluation metrics.

Blended Learning 2.0

This project looks into both the pedagogical research and feedback on the implementation of blended learning in higher education classrooms.

Generative AI

This project group works to update peers within and outside NUS about GenAI developments, issues arising and ways to leverage on GenAI.

Adult Learning

To look into adult learning/CET programmes within and outside of NUS.

Past Projects

IT in Education

To seek and identify ways in which IT can be used to improve teaching and learning in NUS.

Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (AJSoTL) (formerly known as JNUSTA)

AJSoTL seeks to create and nurture a global network of academics and educators, who will discuss current practices and future trends in tertiary education.