Academy Fellows embark on projects of importance to various sections of the NUS community, as well as our wider Teaching and Learning community. These projects combine Fellows’ cross-disciplinary expertise with well-scoped research into related scholarship, ground sentiments and pedagogical experimentation.
To examine courses with Community & Engagement components and develop rubrics to measure the outcomes of C&E courses.
Community & Engagement
Misty Cook (Lead)
Peace Wong (Lead)
James Kah
Lydia Lau
Misty Cook
Peter Vail
The team continues with research into the nature and challenges of C&E courses in NUS and are also working to review and develop rubrics to accurately measure the desired outcomes of C&E courses.
To examine the interdisciplinary landscape and develop evaluation metrics.
Lee Li Neng (Lead)
Olivier Lefebvre (Lead)
Alex Mitchell
Marissa E
Chng Hui Ting
Jennifer Estes
James Kah
Stephen Tay
Misty Cook
The team scanned NUS’ Interdisciplinary landscape, and looked for indicators of how interdisciplinary education was working in NUS and are working on the development of evaluation metrics.
Blended Learning 2.0
This project looks into both the pedagogical research and feedback on the implementation of blended learning in higher education classrooms.
Blended Learning 2.0
Kelvin Foong (Lead)
Misty Cook
Tan Wee Kek
Lek Hsiang Hui
Daniel Jew
Nina Powell
Rebecca Starr
Lynette Tan
Wong Mun Loke
Yeong Foong May
The team examined the literature, as well as feedback from the fellow educators and relooked definitions of blended learning from the point of view of educators who have used blended learning in class – they then contributed to the revised NUS definition. The team is also looking into implementation issues faced by educators on the ground.
Generative AI
This project group works to update peers within and outside NUS about GenAI developments, issues arising and ways to leverage on GenAI.
Generative AI
Donn Koh (Lead)
Jonathan Sim (Lead)
Sadaf Ansari
Kenneth Ban
Misty Cook
Marissa E
Alfred Kow
Lee Li Neng
Olivier Lefebvre
Lek Hsiang Hui
Chris McMorran
Nina Powell
Rebecca Starr
Lynette Tan
The team peer-mentored NUSTA Fellows about the latest GenAI developments and issues arising, and has been working to enhance AI literacy by sharing how educators can and must leverage on GenAI for teaching and learning, both within and out of NUS.
Besides speaking at invited sharing/talks, the team has been contributing ideas / case studies / expertise to NUS AICOP.
Adult Learning
To look into adult learning/CET programmes within and outside of NUS.
Adult Learning
Heng Cheng Suang (Lead)
Lek Hsiang Hui
Steven Halim
Nina Powell
Tan Wee kek
Stephen Tay
Willie Tan
Yau Wai Ping
Misty Cook
Zhang Weina
To learn more about how adult learning is done differently across faculties/schools/centres in NUS and outside and examine what motivates educators to design exemplary adult learning/CET programmes
Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (AJSoTL) (formerly known as JNUSTA)
AJSoTL seeks to create and nurture a global network of academics and educators, who will discuss current practices and future trends in tertiary education.
AJSoTL (formerly JNUSTA)
Erle Lim (Editor)
Johan Geertsema (Deputy Editor)
Chng Huang Hoon
Laksh Samavedham
Sow Chorng Haur
Cecilia Lim
Peter Looker
Rani Rubdy
Wu Siew Mei
Formerly known as the Journal of the NUS Teaching Academy (JNUSTA), it has been renamed as the Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (AJSoTL) to reflect the Board’s decision to focus on issues in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), i.e. an emphasis on research-informed teaching and on explicit pedagogical reflection, as well as documentation of the pedagogical processes that drive classroom activities and student learning outcomes.
AJSoTL seeks to create and nurture a global network of academics and educators, who will discuss current practices and future trends in tertiary education.
The journal will provide a forum for educators from across the disciplines to showcase pedagogical innovations, present original research in teaching, assessment, and methodologies, and to discuss the teaching of core or life skills (such as critical thinking and communication skills; and issues of ethics and professionalism for example) that characterise a competent university graduate in a global economy.