Adrian Lee

Adrian Lee


"We are at the brink of a new horizon in which Education and the Internet are becoming entwined, where access to information and knowledge is unprecedented. The goal is to use information technology to make education more personal, that is tailored and paced to the individual student’s needs. This is a future that we need to embrace and we have the opportunity to be at the forefront of these developments. My immediate aspirations are to help realise this future.”

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Dr. Adrian Lee read Natural Sciences at Downing College, University of Cambridge. For his work on small trapped-ion clusters, he received the ICI Prize in Theoretical Chemistry. After graduation, he worked briefly at the British Antarctic Survey under the supervision of Prof. Howard Roscoe. There he helped develop code to retrieve NO2 column amounts from zenith-sky spectrometers. Following this, he took up a Ph. D. scholarship at the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, under Prof. John Pyle FRS. In 1997, he completed his doctorate entitled ‘Numerical Modelling of Stratospheric Ozone’. A highlight of his doctoral studies was the development of a chemical forecasting methodology. In recognition of the use of this methodology during the ASHOE/MAESA international research campaign, he was awarded the NASA Achievement Award in 1995. He subsequently won a University Merit Award in 2000. Dr. Lee continued his research in atmospheric science in Prof. Pyle’s research group until 2002, when he was awarded the Singapore Millennium Foundation Fellowship. This fellowship brought him to the National University of Singapore. His research under the fellowship centred on developing models to understand the economic cost of air pollution and global warming. Following the fellowship, Dr. Lee took up a faculty position at NUS as a Lecturer in 2005 and was subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2008. He is currently the Director of the Special Programme in Science (SPS) in the Faculty of Science.

About being a part of the Academy…

There is a need within the university to realise the potential of teaching-track staff. I believe that the Academy has a role in developing the vision for teaching track within the university; one in which teaching-track staff are at the forefront of pedagogical innovation and development.

Teaching Awards / Accolades

  • GIST–SNIC Award in Chemistry Education (2012)
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2008)