Alex Mitchell

Alex Mitchell

Alex Mitchell is a senior lecturer in the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore. His work explores various aspects of play and storytelling. He has a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, and holds a PhD in Integrative Sciences and Engineering from the National University of Singapore. He co-edited The Authoring Problem: Challenges in Supporting Authoring of Interactive Digital Narratives, part of the Springer Human-Computer Interaction Series. His co-authored book Videogame Formalism: On form, aesthetic experience, and methodology is due to be published in late 2023 by Amsterdam University Press. His creative work has been shown at various group exhibitions, most recently ID: The Body's Still Warm (42 Cambridge Road, 2018) and Climates of Change (ELO/HyperText, 2020). His fiction has been published in Dark Tales, Balik Kampung 2, and in several issues of the Twenty-Four Flavours series published by Math Paper Press. He is a founding member of the executive board of the Association for Research in Interactive Digital Narratives (ARDIN), and an advisor to the Singapore Games Association.

In my teaching I focus on experiential, playful learning, and I take an iterative, reflective approach to assessment, teaching and course design. I incorporate experiential learning and play by having students apply theories directly in interdisciplinary, hands-on projects, encouraging them to push beyond their comfort zone and explore new approaches. I feel that practice-based learning is important when teaching about interactive media, as students only truly understand concepts such as interactivity when they see how and why something does or does not work, and then connect this back to theory.

Teaching Awards/Accolades 

• NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2007/2008, 2021, 2022), honour roll (2023-2027)
• NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2006-2008, 2019-2021)
• Department of Communications and New Media Department Teaching Excellence Award (2014/2015, 2015/2016)