Bernard Tan Cheng Yian

Bernard Tan Cheng Yian

Senior Vice Provost (Undergraduate Education)

A good educator is able to inspire students to love a subject so that they want to continuing learning about the subject long after their graduation. A good education is able to see beyond the horizon to embrace new teaching pedagogies or technologies way before these become prevalent. A good educator is able to recognize his/her own limitations and conscientiously work on overcoming these limitations regardless of how many accolades he/she has won.

Teaching Strengths

  • Combines a unique blend of content-based education with process-based education
  • Holds discussions with students instead of tutorials
  • Focuses on developing independent inquiry by challenging students to think and investigate for themselves


  • Professor, Department of Information Systems, NUS (2006 to present)
  • Head, Department of Information Systems, NUS (2002 to 2008)
  • Assistant Dean, School of Computing (2000 to 2002)
  • President, Association for Information Systems (2009 to 2010)
  • President-Elect, Association for Information Systems (2008 to 2009)
  • Asia-Pacific Council Representative, Association for Information Systems (2004 to 2006)
  • Department Editor, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2008 to present)
  • Senior Editor, Journal of the AIS (2006 to present)
  • Senior Editor, MIS Quarterly (2004 to 2007)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Management Information Systems (2005 to present)
  • Associate Editor, Management Science (2005 to 2008)
  • Member, University Teaching Excellence Committee (2004 to 2005; 2006 to 2008)
  • Member, University Committee on Educational Policy (2008 to 2010)
  • Member, Expert Panel, University Research Committee (2006 to 2010)

Teaching Awards / Accolades

  • NUS Outstanding Educator Award (2004)
  • NUS Teaching Excellence Award (2003)
  • NUS School of Computing Teaching Excellence Award (2000)
  • Initiated the masters-level Global Project Coordination course involving NUS, Stanford University, and Royal Swedish Institute of Technology (KTH) (1998 to 2000) – these universities subsequently became partners of NUS Overseas Colleges