Heng Cheng Suang

Heng Cheng Suang


I aspire that one day, "Our students will surpass our teachers!"

Unlike the old martial arts master who imparts only 90% of his skills to his disciples, in fear of them defeating him in the future, I actually hope that someday, my students will become better than me! If every next generation only knows a subset of what the previous generation knows, the world will regress rather than progress. Hence, I have always held on to the belief that the highest achievement and satisfaction in education is that one day, the students we taught finally surpass us! This is the ultimate as knowledge is not only imparted, but also mastered and eventually transcended!


Heng Cheng Suang is an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems, School of Computing of the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Ph.D. (Organization, Technology and Entrepreneurship) from Stanford University, Management Science & Engineering Department. Prior to his post graduate studies, he worked with the former Singapore Trade Development Board (now known as International Enterprise) as a Senior Trade Officer (Information, Technology & Communications). He also had his internship in Chartered Industries of Singapore and Apple Computer (Singapore).

About being a part of the Academy…

I am honoured to be part of the Teaching Academy. I sincerely believe we have much to share with one another and also, we have much to learn from one another. As educators, we may learn from other educators — be it their wisdom, experience or advice. Do not to be alarmed, but we also have much to learn from our students — be it their perspectives, opinions or ideals. Indeed, the line between educators and students may at times blur. As we humble ourselves, I do believe that everyone does have something to teach or learn from one another. As educators, let’s be exemplary and learn actively and passionately.

Teaching Awards / Accolades

  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (AY2010/11, AY2011/12)
  • Faculty Honour Roll (AY2011/2012)
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (AY2009/2010, AY2010/2011, AY2011/2012)
  • CDAC Teaching Commendation Award (AY1998/1999, AY1999/2000)