Joel Lee Tye Beng

Joel Lee Tye Beng

Was a member of the Academy from 2011 to 2014

"I consider myself a fellow traveller on the same journey as my students. I simply started earlier and can assist them in overcoming their obstacles along the way. It is my hope that as they travel on their way, they will act as guides for others".

Teaching Achievements

  • Pioneered the teaching of mediation and negotiation at NUS, with a workshop on negotiation conceived being the first of its kind to be offered at a law school in Asia
  • Widely sought-after expert by Singapore and overseas tertiary institutions as well as industry for expertise on legal education and insights on mediation and negotiation
  • Contributed significantly to shaping and raising the University’s quality of education by serving on faculty-level committees on curriculum review and teaching methodology
  • Co-author of a quintessential textbook for law students learning to interpret statutes and analyse cases
  • Co-editor and co-author of an influential book “An Asian Perspective on Mediation”

Teaching Strengths

  • Designs simulations and role-play scenarios to promote experiential learning widely acknowledged by students to be effective and engaging
  • Encourages students to be lifelong learners by focusing on teaching them how to learn, how to teach as well as reflect critically on their classes and performance
  • Facilitates learning by building on simple concepts to simplify and extend into abstract ones
  • Outstanding ability to teach students of diverse backgrounds, from freshmen, graduate students to practitioners and professionals

Publication Credits

  • Co-author of two books, 10 book chapters, 20 journal articles and over 25 representative conference papers presented around the world

International Standing

  • Training Director and Principal Mediator, Singapore Mediation Centre (2011)
  • Associate Editor, Asian Journal on Mediation (since 2005)
  • Member, Resource Panel, Alternative Dispute Resolution Division, Ministry of Law (2000 – 2004)
  • Member, Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council, Subordinate Courts of Singapore (since 2009)
  • Member, Editorial Committee, Singapore Journal of Legal Studies (1999 – 2000, 2002 – 2004)
  • Member, International Advisory Panel, The Law Teacher: The International Journal of Legal Education (Since 1998)
  • Adjudicator, Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (since 2009)
  • Member, Pro-Tem Council of Private Education, Ministry of Education (2008 – 2009)
  • Representative for Asia to Executive Committee, International Negotiation Competition (since 2007)
  • Joint-Editor-in-Chief, Singapore Year Book of International Law (2007 – 2008)
  • Member, Independent Standards Commission, International Mediation Institute (since 2008)
  • Member, Intercultural Taskforce, International Mediation Institute (since 2010)

Awards and Accolades

  • Faculty Annual Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Law (2010, 2009)
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award, NUS (2002/2003, 2001/2002)