Nga Min En

Nga Min En


An excellent teacher is one who, very simply, cares about the learning experience. One who is able to grasp the viewpoint of his or her students, and uses this insight to shape his methods. Further, an excellent teacher is one who is open to improvement - continually on the lookout for ways to better the teaching-learning experience.

I hope to continually evolve as part of my teaching journey into one who understands both the art and science of teaching, and is able to share it with others.


Assoc Professor Nga qualified as an Anatomical Pathologist from the Royal College of Pathologists (United Kingdom) and Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia in 2005. In 2007, she completed a Fellowship in Cytopathology in the Queen Elizabeth II Hospital 9Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital) in 2007, and further qualified as a Fellow of the International Academy of Cytology in 2010. Since 2000, she has been involved in teaching undergraduate students in several faculties (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy). She is also very active in teaching postgraduate students in Anatomical Pathology, and is a member of the Core Faculty in the National University Hospital Pathology Residency Programme.

Assoc Professor Nga is a frequent speaker at local and regional conferences and workshops. Most recently, she was the keynote speaker at the Australian Society of Cytology Annual Scientific Meeting in Darwin in 2014. Back home, she has spearheaded initiatives to make the teaching of pathology more dynamic and accessible, using technology-enhanced modalities such as virtual microscopic slides and macroscopic pathology specimens.

About being a part of the Academy…

Within the Teaching Academy, I hope to be able to learn valuable lessons from dedicated teachers, and to be involved in campus-wide education related policies. I also hope to be more exposed to scholarly activity in teaching, and to increase its accessibility to the wider teaching community.

As part of the Academy, I also hope to be able to contribute in some small way to reaching out to budding teachers who are at the start of their journeys, in order to encourage, inform and hopefully inspire.

Awards / Accolades

  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2006-7, 2009-10, 2012-3, 2013-4
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) 2009-10, 2012-3, 2013-4
  • ATEA Honour Roll 2016
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine Top Ten Tutors 2009
  • Singapore Society of Pathology – Becton Dickinson Research Award 2012