Tan Wee Kek

Tan Wee Kek


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Dr. Tan Wee Kek is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics at the School of Computing (SoC), National University of Singapore (NUS). He is also currently serving as an Assistant Dean (Student Life) in SoC. He graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems in 2013 and a Bachelor of Computing in Information Systems (1st Class Honours) in 2007, both from NUS.

His current research interests broadly focus on consumer-based information technology and technology-enhanced learning. He has published in high quality international journals such as Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Decision Support Systems, and Journal of Information Systems Education. He won the faculty-level Research Achievement Award in 2013 and was a nominee for the ACM SIGMIS 2009 Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year.

With more than a decade of teaching experience behind him, he is firmly committed to nurturing the next generation of future-ready IT technologists and leaders. He devised various pedagogical innovations such as the creation of the current information systems capstone project course, enhancement of the technical syllabi for the information systems programme, and the setting up of the IS Teaching Lab. Beyond the University’s boundary, he served as a member of the Syllabus Development Committee for A-Level Computing Syllabus with the Ministry of Education, Singapore, and as a member of the organising/technical committee for various national-level competitions such as WorldSkills Singapore.

For his unwavering commitment to education excellence, he had won multiple Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards and University-level Annual Teaching Excellence Awards over the years, and he had also been placed on the honour roll of both awards. He was conferred the Commendation Medal (Pingat Kepujian) by the President of Singapore on the occasion of the National Day Award 2017. He was inducted as a fellow of the prestigious NUS Teaching Academy in July 2017, re-elected to a second three-year term starting from July 2020, and concurrently appointed as a member of the Executive Council for a two-year term.

About being a part of the Academy…

It is a privilege to serve in the Teaching Academy alongside Fellows who are great teachers themselves, especially those who had taught and inspired me when I was a student in NUS myself. Standing on the shoulders of giants not only helps me to be a better teacher but also allows me to contribute more effectively to enhance the education endeavour at NUS. It takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to nurture a person. The Teaching Academy is an important institution in NUS for nurturing our next generation. I am humbled to be able to partake in this noteworthy cause.

Teaching Awards:

  • NUS Teaching Academy Fellowship (2017 to Present)
  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award Honour Roll (AY2012/13)
  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (AY2009/10, AY2010/11, AY2011/12)
  • NUS School of Computing Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Honour Roll (AY2010/11)
  • NUS School of Computing Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (AY2008/09, AY2009/10, AY2010/11, AY2016/17, AY2017/18)
  • NUS School of Computing Faculty Best Teaching Assistant Award (AY2007/08)