
UROP+REx Conference 2024

The UG Research Coordinating team commenced the UROP+REx Conference 2024 in January 10 and 11 with the theme entitled ‘A Celebration of Student Researchers’ Experiences’. In January 2023, the Undergraduate Research Coordinating team launched the Research Experience programme, otherwise known as REx to enhance the existing Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) by deepening the experience of UROP in STEM disciplines, attracting more professors and students in non-STEM disciplines to offer UROP and creating more opportunities for students to have rewarding experiences of research and research impact. Developing undergraduate research remains a work in progress and one such effort in pursuit of encouraging more undergraduate students to do research is the REx Conference. This inaugural conference seeks aimed to promote sharing and discussion of ideas in making undergraduate research as a versatile and holistic learning experience.

Pursuing research from an undergraduate level requires gaining foundational knowledge of methodology, literature, and a proactive approach towards learning beyond the classroom. Developing a firm foothold in research aspirations calls for the need for students to be provided with a myriad of opportunities in developing greater awareness and exposure in the relevant research learning resources. The pertinence of building a research ecosystem that facilitates a holistic learning experience has served as our key motivational factor in launching our inaugural UROP+REx conference. The conference seeks to be a source of encouragement and support for aspiring student researchers to showcase their research work and reflections and how they could further their interests by considering research as possible career pathway. In this regard, the conference serves as an introspective groundwork for research inquiry and critical thinking. The conference seeks to provide the scope to explore new approaches in communicating research by serving as a microcosmic space for research creativity and innovation through poster and paper presentations by students. We hope that our maiden effort in organising this initiative will garner much support from our colleagues in the various relevant units as we work towards providing a quality research learning experience for our students here at NUS.  

UROP+REx Conference 2024 focused on the theme of ‘A Celebration of Student Researchers’ Experiences’. In January 2023, the Undergraduate Research Coordinating team launched the Research Experience programme, otherwise known as REx to enhance the existing Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) by deepening the experience of UROP in STEM disciplines, attracting more professors and students in non-STEM disciplines to offer UROP and creating more opportunities for students to have rewarding experiences of research and research impact. Developing undergraduate research remains a work in progress and one such effort in pursuit of encouraging more undergraduate students to do research is the REx Conference. This inaugural conference seeks to promote sharing and discussion of ideas in making undergraduate research as a versatile and holistic learning experience.

Conference Programme Schedule

Day 1: 10 January 2024 (Wednesday)


Registration for attendees and presenters


Opening Remarks by A/P Daniel Goh


Keynote Presentation 1

Speaker: Dr Le Thi Nguyet Minh


Oral Presentation Session 1


OP1A: Mi Yang

Title: Identifying the Contribution of the Mitochondrial Pathway of Apoptosis in Mediating Drug Resistance in TP53-Mutant AML


OP1B: Sean Chua

Title: Optimization of immune profiling protocol for mucosal tissues during Klebsiella pneumoniae infection


Tea Break


3-minute Elevator Pitch


Poster Session


P1: Nicolas Yerace

Title: Replicating Bone Marrow Microenvironment for Erythroblast Enucleation through IPSC-derived Erythroblastic Islands


P2: Ganeash Selvarajan

Title: Interleaved pretesting enhances category learning and classification skills


P3: Ignatius Choong

Title: Stereoelectronic Profiling of Triazolin-5-Ylidenes


P4: Pun En Xin

Title: Investigating Microplastic-Induced Metabolic Perturbations in Human Intestinal Cell Line CACO-2 using Global Untargeted GC-TOF/MS Metabolomics




Panel Discussion 1

Sub-theme 1: New Approaches to Communicating Research


Panel Discussion 2

Sub-theme 2: In Pursuit of a Holistic Research Learning


End of Day 1


Day 2: 11 January 2024 (Thursday)


Registration for attendees and presenters


Keynote Presentation 2

Speaker: A/P Loy Hui Chieh


Oral Presentation Session 2


OP2: Voon Jung

Title: Elevating the Voices of Non-English Speaking Vulnerable Populations


Tea Break


Oral Presentation Session 3


OP3A: Lee Jia Wei

Title: Application of Virtual Reality Technology in Virology Education: A Cross Comparison of VR’s Effectiveness to Conventional Video Among Students of Different Academic Backgrounds


OP3B: Derek Boon Hong Ong

Title: Exploring the Properties of Weakly Donating Halogenated Benzimidazole-Derived N-Heterocyclic Carbene


OP3C: Dylan Alexander

Title: SARS-COV-2 Spike’s Interactions and Effect on Central Carbon Metabolism Enzymes Lactate Dehydrogenase and Malate Dehydrogenase




Panel Discussion 3

Sub-theme 3: Research Beyond the Classroom


Panel Discussion 4

Sub-theme 4: Discovering Career Pathways with Research


Award Ceremony

Prize presentation for Best Oral Presenter, Best Poster Presenter and Best Participant awards


REx Fellows’ Graduation Presentation

In recognition of REx Fellows who have completed the Research Experience (REx) Fellowship


Closing Remarks by A/P Daniel Goh


End of Conference