

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS) is a programme that allows you to engage actively in research, discussions, intellectual communications and other creative activities. You may refer to the link HERE for more information such as timelines to view and apply for projects, where to view available projects and more. Students may also embark on a 10 to 12-week long overseas summer research programme of 4 Units by conducting research in the world’s leading institutions during the NUS May to July break. Undergraduate Research Attachment Programme in Science (URAPS) is a programme that provides students with opportunities to work under the mentorship of outstanding researchers and experience the challenges and benefits that come from pursuing an independent research project. It is an 8 to 10-week long research programme, without any Units. We currently only have one partner university – the University of Alberta. You can find more information regarding URAPS here. Undergraduate Professional Internship Programme (UPIP) aims to encourage Science students to take up internships as a structured programme. You can find more information regarding UPIP here. Depending on your major, UROPS or UPIP read may be used to fulfil the graduation requirements. Please refer to your respective department websites for details on the degree requirements.

Advanced UROPS, being at level 3000, is pitched at a higher difficulty level and requires more in-depth knowledge and skills as compared to Basic UROPS, pitched at level 2000.

Yes, you may read a Basic or Advanced UROPS as long as you meet the pre-requisites which can be found here. Do note that for certain majors, Advanced UROPS read may be used to fulfil the major or specialisation. Please refer to your respective department websites for details on the degree requirements.

Yes, you may, subject to approval from your department.

Pre-CHS cohorts who are in the USP programme may read UROPS-based ISMs and count that course towards the major requirements as well as USP requirements.

UROPS projects that start in semester 2 can only be extended to semester 1 of the following AY. Special term UROPS, which are 4 Units, will start and end within the special term period.

S/U option is not applicable to UROPS. This is because Basic UROPS courses have NUS course(s) as pre-requisite(s) while Advanced UROPS is a Level 3000 course.

Yes, special term fees apply just like for other courses. Please visit the following LINK for more information.

Students typically read UROPS projects related to their major as generally discipline-specific skills and knowledge are required for the project. Students reading a second major/degree outside their primary major may read UROPS projects outside their primary major.

UROPS projects are undertaken and assessed on an individual basis.

See answer to question 11.

No, students are not allowed to underload unless they are in their graduating semester.