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OAC Comm

Outdoor Activities Committee is a tight-knitted family that is not only passionate about the outdoors but also in bringing the outdoors to all Temasekians. More than just participating in these adventures, OAC organises hall wide events outdoors such as Temasek Hall Overnight Riding (THOR) and Temasek Hall Amazing Race (THAR) that every Temasekian looks forward to in the AY.

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Hall Affairs Board (HAB) is a team of outgoing and passionate members who are always thinking of ways to spice up hall life. 🌶🔥 HAB takes pride in planning some of TH’s most anticipated events, including HABlloween 🧟‍♂️🧛🏼 and PalenTHines 💘 

At its core, HABbers enjoy planning events for Temasekians to enjoy. Our events thus present the perfect chance to meet new people through hallwide events. Be it donning on your spookiest costume 👻🎃 or turning up in your swankiest fit 💃🏼🕺, come and form many fond and core memories through our events!

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Temasek Hall's Beyond Borders (THBB) Committee is about bringing about positive change in communities around us. Generally working on environmental and social issues to improve the well-being of overseas communities, they also go about with fundraisers and Local Community Involvement Programmes in preparation for their trip, as well as monthly welfare events to bond their committee and have fun together!

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Temasek Hall’s Hearts Committee aims to bring the spirit of service learning closer to all Temasekians. Members of THearts serve the local community consistently by going on weekly befriending sessions, on top of organizing hall-wide service learning events that all Temasekians can participate in. Some notable events spearheaded by THearts include the annual blood donation drives, as well as the Silver Homes x Temasek Hall project that improves living conditions of socially disadvantaged seniors. THearts also reaches out to niche communities in society, in hopes of raising awareness for social causes that are less known by the general public.

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Temasek Hall Xperience (THx) Committee is dedicated to creating fond and precious moments for all Temasekians.

THx has two key focuses, DnD and LYLC. Dinner & Dance (DnD) is an annual event to round off the year where the entire Temasek Hall comes together and celebrates the achievements of the year.  Last Year Last Chance (LYLC) refers to the meaningful and heartwarming events organised for our Year 4 Temasekians who are spending their final year in TH with us!

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Temasek Hall Open House committee oversees the planning of 2 main events - NUS Open Day Student Village which is held in University Town, and Temasek Hall Open Day! The NUS Open Day serves as the first contact point for incoming freshmen, where the committee will share more about student life in Temasek Hall. In Temasek Hall Open Day, the committee organises personalised guided tours and cca booths for incoming freshmen to view and participate in. In both events, the committee shares more information about Temasek Hall’s vibrant spirit and culture, inspiring and attracting prospective freshmen to join us.

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Hall Promotion Board (HPB) is a committee that publicises and showcases the vibrant Temasek Hall life to the outside world 📺 We are the people designing, creating and publishing the content you see on your favourite social media platforms, under Temasek Hall, as well as this website 🏡 We have 4 subcomms — Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Web, each controlling the respective platform! ✨  

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Temasek Hall Engagement Camp (THEC) is where freshmen get their very first taste of the excitement of university and hall life through a fun-filled 3D2N camp! Backed by creative and passionate members, EC Comm creates a memorable camp experience that will be sure to leave freshmen with a lasting impression of Temasek Hall!

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Design Comm

Temasek Hall’s Design Committee is a dynamic team passionate about creating meaningful designs. Through imagination and collaboration, we come up with ideas that align with our brand and engage the residents of Temasek Hall.

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Temasek Hall's FLAG Committee offers great contributions to NUS's largest charity-based endeavour, the Rag and Flag event, tangibly helping the needs of the underprivileged and community at large. For the last 3 years, we've partnered with Club HEAL — a charity that promotes the healing and recovery of people with mental health challenges by inspiring Hope, Empowering lives, fostering Acceptance and spreading Love. Be it planning for fundraisers, coming up with publicity campaigns to promote mental health awareness, or discussing potential partnerships with companies, their committee hopes to support all beneficiaries and their meaningful causes in whatever ways they can.

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Temasek Hall's Marketing Committee is in-charge of sourcing for potential partnerships and/or sponsorships for our various hall events ranging from THOR to Hablloween, to provide welfare and even prizes for residents. They work on an event to event basis and pride themselves on their reliability, hardwork and authenticity! Follow us on @temasek_marketing to see the various sponsors we’ve worked with before.

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Temasek Hall’s Green (TGreen) Committee is all about being involved in nature around us and contributing to sustainability. This includes having events such as Ecofair, promoting sustainable green habits, and recycling, to encourage residents to inculcate such green habits into their lifestyles, Apart from that, we also learn how to grow our own vegetables via usage of hydroponics, producing bigger and fresher produce, for Temasek Hall’s residents and hopefully outreaching to those in need. Moreover, we plan activities such as kayak cleanups, promoting less waste and pollution, while having fun at the same time! 


Ecofair is an outreach event done by our TGreens Committee to the whole hall, aimed to promote sustainable living. TGreens, alongside numerous other Social Affair Committees in our hall, wish to educate and raise awareness on the whys and hows of sustainability by providing residents with opportunities to participate in eco-conscious activities and purchase eco-friendly products, and at the same time, raise funds and awareness for the relevant committees involved!

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Temasek Hall’s Video Production Unit (VPU) is a team of students who share an interest in the art of storytelling through the lens. Our passion lies in crafting captivating videos that convey messages, stir emotions, and leave lasting impressions. VPU is equipped with professional equipment and software to provide quality content coverage for Temasek Hall, from Sports to Cultural, we cover them all!

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Temasek Hall Orientation Camp (THOC) Committee is truly a one-of-a-kind committee, organising Temasek Hall’s first and biggest event of the year. As part of OCOMM, look forward to making unique memories not just for the Freshmen, but also for yourselves! 💚🤍

Disclaimer: Photos taken were during Pre-Covid times.