
1. About The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program

The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program is an international web-based research ethics education program, designed for training in protection of human subjects in research. The CITI Program offers Basic and Refresher courses in Human Subjects Protections, Good Clinical Practice and Health Information Privacy and Security (HIPS).  Many universities around the world have adopted the CITI Program as a component of their human subjects research training. Researchers are required to complete the CITI Program before beginning their research.

Who Requires CITI Certification?

Researchers from NUS

As of 1 April 2010, the NUS-IRB has implemented the requirement for CITI certification beginning with all NUS researchers in biological sciences and biomedical research. Please refer to the DPRT Circular on CITI Training for more details. Researchers who submit their biomedical research applications to the IRB for ethics review from 1 April 2010 would also need to submit a copy of their CITI certificate (completion report) for the Biomedical Research - Basic/Refresher course together with their IRB applications. The NUS-IRB also strongly encourages social scientists to complete the training program for Social, Behavioural and Educational Research for Human Subjects.

To proceed with CITI training, please click on this link. NUS researchers should register using their NUS email accounts.

Please be informed that the CITI Biomedical Research - Basic/Refresher course differs from the new CITI Responsible Conduct of Research course (under the purview of ODPRT) and the HBR E-Training conducted by ARCIO.

2. IRB001: Introduction to NUS-IRB Canvas Training Course

This fully online course introduces the NUS Institutional Review Board (NUS-IRB) and research ethics to all NUS staff and student researchers who are involved in human subjects research. Please see: Guide to Self-Enroll in IRB001 Canvas Course

6 topics are covered (consisting of short videos and quizzes):
1) The role and functions of NUS-IRB;
2) IRB's review process;
3) Recent modifications to the review processes;
4) Common issues with applications to IRB and relevant NUS policies;
5) IRB's review of Human Biomedical Research (HBR); and
6) IRB's review of Social, Behavioural and Educational Research (SBER).

This course takes around 40 minutes to complete and you are encouraged to go through it in one sitting. No certificate will be issued. Please printscreen your quiz scores after completing the quizzes for reference/ records.

3. HBR E-Training Conducted by ARCIO

This website is compiled primarily for NUS researchers to familiarise themselves with the key regulatory requirements for conducting human biomedical research (HBR). An E-quiz based on the content in the website is also available. This quiz is accessible at the end of this resource.

Link to the Academic and Research Compliance and Integrity Office (ARCIO)'s website: