Distinguished Scholar Series with Professor Manu Kapur


Friday 19 February 2021 – 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Drawing on his engineering mindset for design, Prof. Kapur conceptualized and developed the theory of Productive Failure to design for and bootstrap failure for learning mathematics better. His research has been taken up by the Singapore’s Ministry of Education for wide-scale re-design and implementation of its pre-university mathematics (statistics) curriculum and pedagogy.

Prof. Kapur holds the Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and directs The Future Learning Initiative (FLI) at ETH Zurich. The FLI brings together more than 20 professors from 10 departments at ETH to advance research on the science of teaching and learning in higher education contexts, and translate it into the practice of teaching and learning at ETH Zurich. Prior to this, Dr. Kapur was a Professor of Psychological Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong. He also worked at the National Institute of Education (NIE/NTU) of Singapore as the Head of the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Department, as well as the Head of the Learning Sciences Lab (LSL). Prof. Kapur holds a doctoral degree in the science of learning (specialization in instructional technology) at Columbia University and a double Masters: a Master of Science in Applied Statistics from Columbia University in New York, and a Master of Education from the NIE, Singapore.

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