

The Translational Research Unit focuses on applied research on how learning actually happens in the real world.


Our Translational Research Unit (TRU) conducts an array of activities, all geared towards generating real-time insights and enabling “just-in-time” interventions to improve learning outcomes.

TRU Technologies

We develop applications, dashboards, and other tools to help educators measure student learning behaviours across a variety of activities. For example, our tools can help faculty understand viewing habits of educational videos; skills development in programming and other technical disciplines; and conceptual proficiency in many domains. They can also guide students to make better decision about their own learning by providing them the information they need.

Data Lake Activities

We play a key role in managing the ALSET Educational Data Lake, and also work with educators and students to help them leverage this unique research for research and learning purposes. Below are the kinds of services and opportunities we offer these stakeholder groups:


Translational Research Interest Group (TRIG)

To help leverage our tools and datasets, we manage a Translational Research Interest Group (TRIG) that brings together experienced NUS educators with an interest in understanding how data can enhance learning in the classroom. It is headed by Laksh Samavedham, the former director of the Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning at NUS and a longstanding advocate of the use of data in education.