
Deborah Choo


Contact Information

Telephone: 6601 2862
Office: CELC #03-22 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Deborah CHOO has taught at the CELC since 2012 and specializes in teaching the proficiency levels of English Academic Writing. She earned her MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from Biola University and her BA in Liberal Studies specializing in Linguistics, Mathematics and History from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Before coming to Singapore, Deborah taught at both the primary and tertiary levels in China and the United States. Since coming to the CELC, Deborah has explored the use of Socratic Questioning as a coaching tool for self-evaluation of students' writing. For many years, she has served in the CELC's English Assist and Writing Communication Hub Programs.

Recent Courses Taught

  • ES1000 Foundation Academic English
  • ES1103 English for Academic Purposes
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