
Dara Leah Richard


Contact Information

Telephone: 6516 1043
Email: elcdlr@nus.edu.sg
Office: CELC #02-11 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Dara Leah RICHARD is Lecturer at CELC and has over 15 years of experience in university teaching. Dara holds a MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and a BA in English Literature from the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Before teaching at NUS, she was an in-service teacher trainer in Malaysia. She also served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Uzbekistan, where she was an English teacher and teacher trainer.

Recent Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals
  • SP2271 Introduction to Scientific Literature
  • ES1601 Professional and Academic Communication

Grant Projects

  • CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant - Learning Community Projects, April 2020 - March 2021: Inclusive Education Learning Community.

Selected Publications (since 2019)

Selected Presentations (since 2019)

  • Richard, D., Lee, G. L. "The twists and turns of using inclusive learning in a communication classroom". 56th SEAMEO RELC International Conference. 14-16 March 2022.


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