
In today’s disruptive economy, the concept of personal branding has gained even greater traction than before as a self-management concept to position one favorably for a job opening, a promotion opportunity, a career switch, or simply for better workplace relationships. While many management workshops have leveraged on this concept as the pivotal starting point to create positive impressions, not many have mapped out a holistic communicative strategy to help participants convey the desired brand image across various professional communication contexts the way this workshop does.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be familiar with the range of communication strategies and tools necessary to communicate a consistent and appealing personal brand identity across various workplace contexts.

The communicative strategies include:

  1. Structure of email writing and rhetorical devices (e.g. word choice, tone of voice) in communicating neutral, good news and bad news effectively; and
  2. 3Vs and 1A (Visual, Vocal, Verbal & Aural) in managing dynamism in informal talks and critical discussions.


  • On-campus or Online (Live)


  • Personal Brand
    • Explore the notion of Personal Brand as an important and current management concept, and for participants to frame a plausible personal brand statement
  • Competing Values Framework (CVF)
    • Evaluate the impact of one's communication
  • Suite of Communicative Tools
    • Learn about the 3Vs &1R and the 7Cs of Effective Communication
  • Personal Brand Audit: A CVF Approach
    • Evaluate and critique mediatized footprints of public personalities or industry leaders so as to learn best practices in the way they communicate their personal brands
  • Presentation and Reflection
  • Email Communication: Communicating neutral and positive news
    • Apply the structure of email writing and rhetorical devices to communicate neutral and positive news effectively and coherently (in line with one's desired personal brand)
  • Importance of Empathy at the Workplace
  • Email Communication: Communicating difficult emails (I)
    • Apply the structure of email writing and rhetorical devices to communicate bad or complex news effectively and coherently (in line with one's desired personal brand)
  • Presentation and Reflection
  • Water-Cooler Talks: Opportunities to network and build professional relationships
    • Learn the pros and cons of informal office talks, and also communication strategies to signal interest, to probe and to respond with interest
  • Relationship Matter: Empathy at the workplace
    • Apply communication tools to express empathy at the workplace and strategies to engage our audience rationally in critical conversations
  • Conducting Critical Conversations at the Workplace: Role Play
  • A Final Task: How have I been communicating my Personal Brand through the workplace tasks in the past two days?
    • Participants will map their CVFs for the various communicative tasks done in the past two days to their desired Personal Brand statement that they have crafted in Day 1
  • End of Programme Quiz


Working experience in managing teams




Mr Patrick Gallo is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for English Language Communication, NUS. Patrick received the Centre’s Commendation for Teaching Excellence in Academic Years 2001/02, 2002/03 and 2003/04 and the Residential College Teaching Commendation in AY 2015/16. In the past 24 years, he has provided many highly rated workshops for NUS staff, students and the public.


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