
In this workshop, not only will participants learn key principles to conduct a principled negotiation that aims to foster a win-win relationship among negotiators, they will understand how to communicate effectively to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes through exercises, role plays and useful analytical frameworks.

After attending this workshop, participants will be able to apply negotiation principles in workplace communication contexts that require participants to trade concessions in order to foster goodwill in relationships.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the definition of a negotiation
  2. Identify the problems with positional negotiation
  3. Understand the principles of a 'good' negotiation
  4. Apply the principles of a 'good' negotiation to analyse a negotiation process and evaluate the effectiveness of the negotiator
  5. Understand key phases in a negotiation process
  6. Prepare for Negotiation (Phase 1)
    1. Identify interests, options, concessions, criteria
    2. Identify ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement)
    3. Know one's BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and use it to one's benefit
    4. Develop negotiation strategy
  7. Conduct a negotiation session (Phase 2)
    1. Appreciate power dynamics in a negotiation
    2. Understand the importance of managing people-related issues
    3. Apply effective communication techniques (listening actively, paraphrasing effectively, asking good questions, and demonstrating effective non-verbal communication) in a principled negotiation
  8. Understand the importance of follow-up and review (Phase 3)
  9. Apply the concepts of a principled negotiation in a role-play negotiation context.
  10. Critique (self and peers) and reflect on the effectiveness of a negotiation process


Synchronous e-learning


Negotiation – what is it?
Role play to appreciate the disadvantages of positional negotiation
Principles of a good negotiation
Negotiation in action

  • watch how a negotiator diffuses tension in a large-scale meeting
  • evaluate how he fared on application of negotiation principles and communication

Negotiation process: Prepare for a negotiation session (Phase 1)

  • Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) and Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
  • Industry Standards as Criterion in Negotiation – Is there no other way?

Negotiation Process: Conduct a negotiation session (Phase 2)

  • Mindset and Communication in Negotiation – Active Listening & Effective Questioning

Negotiation Practice & Critique of Live Negotiation

  • Work in teams to prepare for a negotiation role play practice.  Participants of 18 will be divided into three groups of 3 each, and each side prepares for a negotiation based on a scenario.  A debrief session will follow after each role play

Negotiation Role Play (Assessment)

Participants will engage in role plays and gain immediate feedback from peers and the instructor.


Diploma / Degree with at least 2 years working experience



Ms Susan Lee is a Lecturer in CELC. She has taught English communication for 20 years at institutions and with adult learners in corporate environment. She is ACTA certified (WSQ Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment) and passionate in customising learning to engage skill application in contexts for presentation, interpersonal communication and negotiation. She has produced a Coursera module for the course, Effective Communication in the Globalised Workplace and co-developed an e-learning package on personal branding. Susan designs and facilitates workshops and modules on internship preparation, LinkedIn, online and face-to-face interview, networking, Professional Communication, Communicating Engineering, Communicating in the Information Age, and Business Communication.

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