ES5001A - Graduate English II
ES5001A is tailored for postgraduate students who have foundational academic reading, writing, and speaking skills. This course aims to enhance students’ academic literacies, nurture students’ authorial voice, foster higher-order thinking skills, and promote academic integrity in the age of generative AI through process and genre-based instructional methods. Specifically, students will learn to use language accurately and appropriately to express meaning in context as well as cultivate skills designed to strengthen their academic writing and oral presentation within and beyond their disciplines.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Enhance academic literacies and employ appropriate academic language in developing ideas, organising arguments, and taking stances
Employ an integrated reading-writing approach to read, analyse, and synthesise multiple sources of information
Convey ideas with a strong authorial voice in different types of academic writing
Evaluate and critique source information
Present technical and evidence-based content to a cross-disciplinary audience
- Continuous Assessment 100%
- To be admitted to this courses, students must have taken the Diagnostic English Test and received a ‘Band 2’, or passed ES5000 Graduate English I, if required to do so.
- Graduate students who have gotten 'Band 3' for the Diagnostic English Test.