Business School
Assessment | ES1000 is a 100% Continuous Assessment course. |
Units | Nil |
Workload | 2-2-0-2-2-2 |
Prerequisite(s) |
Placement through the Qualifying English Test. |
Preclusion(s) | Nil |
This is a required course for students whose Qualifying English Test results show that they would benefit from basic English language skills support. Students in the course must pass it before they are allowed to read the next required English course, English for Academic Purposes (ES1103). The purpose of ES1000 is to improve the students' English language skills in reading, writing and grammar. Topics covered include paragraph unity, coherence, sentence patterns, and academic integrity. Students will integrate diverse vocabulary, sentence structures, and grammatical elements to synthesise academic ideas, construct cohesive paragraphs, and reflect critically on their writing process. |
Assessment | ES1103 is a 100% Continuous Assessment course. |
Units | Four |
Workload | 0-4-0-3-0-3 |
Prerequisite(s) |
1. Placement through the Qualifying English Test or a pass in ES1000. 2. Only students who matriculated in AY2016/17 and onwards can take ES1103 |
Preclusion(s) | ES1102 |
ES1103 serves as a bridging course for students who have taken the university's Qualifying English Test and are deemed to require additional language support for the academic context. It aims to equip students with the knowledge of the academic genre and the ability to apply such knowledge in academic communication. The course adopts a reading-into-writing approach using themed readings as springboard texts for students' writing and provides opportunities for analysing and internalising ways of organising academic texts. Students will acquire essential academic skills required to cope with the rigour of academic writing at a tertiary level. |
Assessment |
ES2002 is a 100% Continuous Assessment course. |
Units | Four |
Workload | 0-3-0-3-0-4 |
Prerequisite(s) | Students who are required to read ES1000 Foundation Academic English must pass it before taking ES2002. |
Preclusion(s) | MNO2706, IS2101, ES2007D, ES1601, UWC2101% |
This course aims to equip students with the business communication skills needed to be recognised as leaders among stakeholders – colleagues, superiors, and clients. The course provides opportunities for application in an immersive experience within a company-simulated environment. Students will learn core communication principles and strategies before applying them in business proposals, pitches and negotiations. |