ES1103 - English for Academic Purposes
ES1103 serves as a bridging course for students who have taken the university's Qualifying English Test and are deemed to require additional language support for the academic context. It aims to equip students with the knowledge of the academic genre and the ability to apply such knowledge in academic communication. The course adopts a reading-into-writing approach using themed readings as springboard texts for students' writing and provides opportunities for analysing and internalising ways of organising academic texts. Students will acquire essential academic skills required to cope with the rigour of academic writing at a tertiary level.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate an awareness of academic integrity and citation conventions
Demonstrate an awareness of the process of writing academic texts, including appropriate metacognitive strategies
- Read critically and select appropriately from a range of texts and paraphrase/ summarise/ synthesize to integrate into own writing
- Write coherent and accurate academic texts using discourse semantic and lexico-grammatical choices appropriate to the task and context
- Develop some understanding of your discipline discourse specificity and how ES1103 knowledge might be applied in your undergraduate courses
- Continuous Assessment 100%
1. Placement through the Qualifying English Test or a pass in ES1000.
2. Only students who matriculated in AY2016/17 and onwards can take ES1103