ES2002 - Business Communication for Leaders (BBA)


This course aims to equip students with the business communication skills needed to be recognised as leaders among stakeholders – colleagues, superiors, and clients. The course provides opportunities for application in an immersive experience within a company-simulated environment. Students will learn core communication principles and strategies before applying them in business proposals, pitches and negotiations.


By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. craft and deliver clear, strategic, and persuasive messages that are pitched appropriately for different audiences and business contexts,
  2. engage others in various interpersonal settings by listening empathetically, and processing key information and nuances critically,
  3. develop a confident and credible professional presence as future leaders through verbal and non-verbal communication strategies,
  4. chart their growth through peer feedback and self-reflections and
  5. consider the strengths and implications of using AI.


  • ES2002 is a 100% Continuous Assessment course.


Students who are required to read ES1000 Foundation Academic English must pass it before taking ES2002.


MNO2706, IS2101, ES2007D, ES1601, UWC2101%





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