AY 2023/24 Semester 2

Timetable is subjected to change without notice.

Timetable is correct as at 28 November 2023.

Ideas & Exposition Courses

Course Code Course Title Section Day Start Time End Time Venue
UTW1001A Identities and Ideas in Modern Market-Driven Societies S1 Tue & Fri 12:00 14:00 CAPT-SR5
UTW1001A Identities and Ideas in Modern Market-Driven Societies S2 Tue & Fri 14:00 16:00 CAPT-SR5
UTW1001C At the Edges of the Law: Ethics, Morality and Society S1 Mon & Thu 10:00 12:00 TC-SR4
UTW1001C At the Edges of the Law: Ethics, Morality and Society S2 Mon & Thu 12:00 14:00 TC-SR4
UTW1001D Self, Society, and the Digital Tsunami era S1 Mon & Thu 08:00 10:00 RC4-SR6
UTW1001D Self, Society, and the Digital Tsunami era S2 Tue & Fri 10:00 12:00 TC-SR4
UTW1001D Self, Society, and the Digital Tsunami era S3 Tue & Fri 12:00 14:00 TC-SR4
UTW1001G Human Behaviours: How do 'I' fit in this Social World? S1 Mon & Thu 14:00 16:00 RC4-SR6
UTW1001J How do we frame the Climate Crisis? S1 Mon & Thu 10:00 12:00 CAPT-SR4
UTW1001J How do we frame the Climate Crisis? S2 Mon & Thu 14:00 16:00 CAPT-SR4
UTW1001J How do we frame the Climate Crisis? S3 Mon & Thu 16:00 18:00 CAPT-SR4
UTW1001K Meaning of Home and Identity in the Diaspora S1 Tue & Fri 10:00 12:00 RC4-SR6
UTW1001K Meaning of Home and Identity in the Diaspora S2 Tue & Fri 14:00 16:00 RC4-SR6
UTW1001O The Urban and the Wild: Reading Urban Progress in Southeast Asia Ecocritically. S1 Mon & Thu 10:00 12:00 RC4-SR6
UTW1001O The Urban and the Wild: Reading Urban Progress in Southeast Asia Ecocritically. S2 Mon & Thu 12:00 14:00 RC4-SR6
UTW1001Q English, Singlish and intercultural communication S1 Tue & Fri 08:00 10:00 CAPT-SR4
UTW1001Q English, Singlish and intercultural communication S2 Tue & Fri 10:00 12:00 CAPT-SR4
UTW1001T How Rich Should Anyone Be? S1 Mon & Thu 12:00 14:00 CAPT-SR4
UTW1001T How Rich Should Anyone Be? S2 Mon & Thu 16:00 18:00 RC4-SR6
UTW1001T How Rich Should Anyone Be? S3 Tue & Fri 16:00 18:00 RC4-SR6

Critique and Expression Courses (RVX Courses)

Course Code Course Title Group Day Start Time End Time Room
RVX1000 Citizen Speak: Persuasion and Polarization in Society S1 Thu 18:00 21:00 RVR-SRM01
RVX1001 Science Fiction and Society S1 Tue 12:00 15:00 RVR-SRM04
RVX1001 Science Fiction and Society S2 Wed 12:00 15:00 RVR-SRM04
RVX1001 Science Fiction and Society S3 Fri 12:00 15:00 RVR-SRM04
RVX1003 Print to Screen: Analysing Film Adaptation S1 Tue 09:00 12:00 RVR-SRM01
RVX1003 Print to Screen: Analysing Film Adaptation S2 Wed 12:00 15:00 RVR-SRM01
RVX1003 Print to Screen: Analysing Film Adaptation S3 Thu 12:00 15:00 RVR-SRM01
RVX1005 Intersectionality, Identity and Inequality in Asia S1 Mon 09:00 12:00 RVR-SRM01
RVX1005 Intersectionality, Identity and Inequality in Asia S2 Mon 15:00 18:00 RVR-SRM01
RVX1005 Intersectionality, Identity and Inequality in Asia S3 Tue 12:00 15:00 RVR-SRM01

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