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 All films are free admission held at UCC Courtyard, 8pm

Manufactured Landscapes

  Sun 18 Mar  
  Genre: Documentary
  Director: Jennifer Baichwal
  Running Time: 80 mins
  Rating: G
  Awards: Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance 2007
Nominated for Best Documentary at the Independent Spirit Award 2008
Best Canadian Film at the Toronto International Film Festival 2006

Manufactured Landscapes is a feature documentary on the work of internationally renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. The film follows him as he travels through China photographing the evidence and effects of that country’s massive industrial revolution. The Three Gorges Dam, factory floors a kilometre long and the breathtaking scale of Shanghai’s urban renewal are subjects for his lens and our motion picture camera. Shot in Super-16mm film, the documentary extends the narratives of Burtynsky’s photographs, meditating on human impact on the planet without trying to reach simplistic judgements or reductive resolutions. In the process, it shifts our consciousness about the world and the way we live in it.

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About Jennifer Baichwal
Manufactured Landscapes trailer