NUS Chinese Dance
17 Mar, 8pm
Korea Now: Rest & Modern Feeling
Lee Jae Young & EDx2 Dance Company
21 & 22 Mar, 8pm
Genius or Nuts
NUS Piano Ensemble
23 Mar, 8pm
NUS Chinese Dance
17 Mar, 8pm
Korea Now: Rest & Modern Feeling
Lee Jae Young & EDx2 Dance Company
21 & 22 Mar, 8pm
Genius or Nuts
NUS Piano Ensemble
23 Mar, 8pm
NUS Chinese Dance
17 Mar, 8pm
Korea Now: Rest & Modern Feeling
Lee Jae Young & EDx2 Dance Company
21 & 22 Mar, 8pm
Genius or Nuts
NUS Piano Ensemble
23 Mar, 8pm



Book Tickets

NUS Harmonica Orchestra

Sun 16 Mar | 8pm | UCC Hall | $19 & $16

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." – Helen Keller



Book Tickets

NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS)

Sun 17 Mar | 8pm | Conservatory Concert Hall, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music | $19 & $16

Faced with the prospect of continuing with his thoroughly unremarkable existence for the rest of his days, The Man decides to take a step into the unknown and go off the beaten track by hitchhiking and backpacking. As he learns more and more about the world he had never known before. As he becomes consumed by wanderlust, his little holiday getaway transforms into a cross-continental adventure. Will he maintain his itinerant lifestyle, or will he ever be able to return home?



Book Tickets

NUS Piano Ensemble

Tue 25 Mar | 8pm | UCC Theatre | $19 & $16

Are humans just puppets dancing to the mind's unconscious tunes? Maestro tells the story of one composer's journey as he struggles to make a living. As his publisher and patrons lose interest in his works, and an industry rival increasingly becomes a threat to his livelihood, Maestro grows increasingly bitter and resentful. In his darkest, weakest hour, he is tempted by his alter ego, a musical prodigy and maniac, to exchange his sanity for brilliance.


SANKSHAYA: SHIVA'S FIRE (title will be changed)

Book Tickets

NUS Indian Dance & NUS Indian Instrumental Ensemble

Sat 29 Mar | 8pm | UCC Hall | $19 & $16

Lord Shiva the Destroyer is often seen dancing within an arc of flames. While fire represents destruction, it is also a purifier and all evils are consumed and the old makes way for the new — like a phoenix rising out of the ashes. Shiva's cosmic dance is said to have not only consumed ignorance, but also the aging and tired universe, to allow for creation of a new one.