Remember When...

NUS Dance Ensemble

Fri 17 Mar | 8pm | UCC Hall | $27, Students: $19



The place vanishes a little at a time — a tree, a space, a building, a landmark. One at a time, each is replaced by something new, unfamiliar and cold, until a connection makes a memory, creates belonging. Ah yes, we now remember this place. This is where we...

But - what if this space vanishes and changes again? And again? Will we lose our sense of place altogether? Will there ever be somewhere we can belong?

NUS Dance Ensemble celebrates 25 years of scintillating contemporary Asian dance with its performance of Remember When...

Working with NUS Department of Architecture, School of Design and Environment and the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer Zaini Mohammad Tahir and the young dancers from NUS Dance Ensemble explore how the changes in Singapore’s landscape affect the psyche of its people over time.

What happens to their memories and their sense of belonging to the nation if the spaces they grew up in no longer exists?

Photo Credit: Fang Yuan

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