Commercial Champions

Driving commercial success

Commercial Champions (CC) are individuals with extensive technology commercialisation experience. They are experienced business advisors attached to GRIP projects during their first 3 months Venture Hothouse. Their role is to lead and guide the Project Innovators to:

  1. Validate the opportunity of their business idea
  2. Develop a convincing initial business case/plan to secure the first tranche of GRIP investment funding.

An experienced GRIP-CC may also be appointed as a GRIP Consultant to support the GRIP Lead Instructor to lead GRIP consultation sessions’ discussions, pitching training sessions, working simultaneously across a number of GRIP project teams.

Roles and responsibilities
A GRIP-CC is a conduit to the industry. They connect the Project teams to key stakeholders who can help to

  1. Share market insight, challenges and validate the opportunities
  2. Provide solutions or connect to partners who can help to solve various technology commercialisation needs to materialise a business idea.
  3. Instil business thinking
  4. Guide the project team to look for information required by the project through primary and secondary research
  5. Help the team to distill insights into convincing business model, go to market strategy and eventually a business plan.

Worksheets on the basic information which a Project team is required to obtain to build a business case will be provided as part of the 3-month Venture Hothouse programme.


A GRIP-CC is a part-time role for individuals who are interested in:

  1. nurturing the younger generation of business leaders;
  2. looking for new business or investment opportunities.

Typical profile of a GRIP-CC includes:

  1. Retired or semi-retired c-level executives;
  2. Angels or serial entrepreneurs;
  3. Business consultants;
  4. Partners of venture capital firms;
  5. Individuals from big corporations;
  6. and Other experienced individuals.

Commitment of a GRIP-CC
To spend an average of not less than a day a week per project team to guide the assigned GRIP team in validating the business opportunity and developing the business plan.

To participate in the 3 Saturday workshops.

To prepare the Project team(s) for final presentation to the review panel to secure the first tranche of investment funding.

If appointed as a GRIP Consultant, to lead GRIP consultation sessions’ discussions and pitching training sessions to train the assigned GRIP teams to pitch at GRIP Investment Panel and Lift Off Day.

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