Emergency Response – First Aid


For any emergency situation, please contact CeLS Safety Team and CeLS security and explain your emergency as calmly and clearly as possible. CeLS security will then act and contact the necessary emergency teams to address your situation.

CeLS Security 6516 4043


First Aider List

Level 5:

Name Dept Contact
Andrea Tan LSI 6516 8171
Roshini Priya D/O Mogan N.1 6601 3850


Level 4:

Name Dept Contact
Daniel The Boon Loong (TBC) Centre for Healthy Aging 6516 4303


Level 3:

Name Dept Contact
Dr Anne K. Bendt SLING 6516 6683
Dr Amaury Cazenave Gassiot SLING 6516 8174
Caris Tan Qi Hui Immunology 6601 3346


Level 2:

Name Dept Contact
Ng Xiao Wei SynCTI 6601 2449
Ang Bee Ting Laboratory Animal Facility 6516 7783


DSO Building, Level 4

Name Dept Contact
Antony Dhasan Josphin Denslin NUSTEP 6516 5301
Tan Chuen Hong NUSTEP 6516 5301


Useful Documents

– CeLS Emergency Reporting Procedure (TBA)