Climate and Land-Use changes: Effects on Nutrient inputs to Singapore Reservoirs (CLUE)
Soil nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) leaching into water bodies causes eutrophication which diminishes water quality. The objective of the CLUE project is to forecast the impact of climate change and changes in land use on nutrient loads leaching into Singapore’s reservoirs and model its subsequent effect on water quality. This is done by characterising the nutrient, carbon, and biological profiles of various land use types (parks, forests, agricultural land and impervious surfaces), understanding the mechanisms that control nutrient build up in soil, particularly contribution by the microorganisms, and assessing the way in which those mechanisms may be modified by a changing climate with higher temperatures and stronger rainfall intensities. This objective will be accomplished using a combination of field sampling, soil biogeochemical modelling and water quality modelling.
For more details, please contact: Professor Karina GIN Yew-Hoong | E-mail: