NUS Virtual Platform at Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2021

June 2021

The Singapore International Water Week (SIWW), the biennial global platform to share and co-create innovative water solutions typically held in Singapore over the past years had taken to the virtual platform this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI), on behalf of National University of Singapore led and coordinated the NUS’ participation in this online platform that was held from 21 June to 2 July 2021.
Figure 1: NUS Virtual Exhibition Booth (Please click on the picture to explore)
At NUS Virtual Exhibition Booth, visitors were presented with a brief introduction of NUS and the NUS corporate video, which captures  the spirit of creativity, vibrancy and diverse cultures of NUS in creating knowledge and values through innovation and enterprise - NUS’ aspiration to be a leading global university.
As visitors navigated through the Exhibition Booth, they would come to the four e-Brochures, namely:
The Climate Change and Sustainability Research at NUS focuses on advance integrated sustainability solutions optimised for tropical, urban and Asian settings, including clean energy materials and systems, environmental surveillance and treatment of urban waterways, waste-to-energy conversion, seawater desalination and sustainable urban transport systems. Visitors, through the various links in this e-Brochure could gather information regarding the various research activities at the respective research institutes and centres.
The second e-Brochure outlined the current research focus and strategic programmes at NERI:
Current research focus
Strategic Programmes
On commercialisation and business opportunities, the third e-Brochure, showcased the latest Intellectual Properties (IP) and Commercialised products in Water and Wastewater, and Sustainability. Visitors could contact, NUS Industry Liaison Office (ILO), the technology transfer and commercialisation arm of NUS for more information.
The fourth e-Brochure, Webinars@NUS consisted of a series of Live and Pre-Recorded Webinars. These are aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, share NUS state of the art research, technologies and development, and explore IP commercialisation as well as collaborative partnerships in the areas of Food, Water, Waste and Energy Nexus for sustainable development. A total of seven Live Webinars, held from 23 June to 1 July 2021, and three Pre-Recorded Webinars available for viewing from 22 June to 2 July 2021.
Click here for the video recordings of the Live Webinars and Pre-recorded Webinars.
Figure 2: A collage of speakers and chairpersons at the Live Webinars held from 23 June to 1 July 2021.
(Top row, left to right): Assoc. Prof. Sanjay Swarup, Dr. Tan Wee Kee, Prof. Lee Hian Kee and Prof. Ng How Yong; (Middle row): Assoc. Prof. Raymond Ong Ghim Ping, Dr. Pooi Ching Kweek, Assoc. Prof. Lefebvre Olivier Patrick and Dr. Pavagadhi Shruti; (Bottom row): Dr. Sheetal Kishor Parakh, Dr. Yao Zhiyi, Dr. Babu Cadiam Mohan, Prof. Hu Jiangyong and Assoc. Prof. Tong Yen Wah.