Rediscovering Connections

Julia ONG Qi Qing, NUS Business School

SIM Qin Ying, Visiting grandparents. AI-generated (Dall-E).

“Living quite far away from my grandparents, the demands of university life have gradually eroded the precious time we once shared. I found myself visiting them less and less, the distance growing between us. However, volunteering with seniors at the Active Ageing Centre (AAC) has rekindled my desire to reconnect. The planning and conducting of activities every Friday at the AAC mirrors the routine I once kept with my grandparents – traveling to their home every Saturday for dinner or exploring places like Gardens by the Bay.

As the course drew to a close, some seniors affectionately called us their “grandkids”. They mentioned that we reminded them of their own grandkids.

Their greying hair and ageing faces in turn accentuate the inevitability of ageing, a poignant reminder that time waits for no one to be free. It is up to us to carve out time to cherish the moments to reciprocate the love and support of our grandparents.”