Watch this video for the genesis of the NUS Communities & Engagement (C&E) programme. The video features Prof TAN Eng Chye, NUS President, and Prof HO Teck Hua, then Senior Deputy President and Provost, as they share their vision and aspirations for NUS C&E.
The NUS President shares the vision behind the Communities & Engagement (C&E) programme in the undergraduate common curriculum, and its role in empowering students to make a meaningful impact in the community.
*direct service hours only, excluding travel, planning and other indirect service hours
mentee-sessions generated#
across 30 MOE schools & student care centres
#impact measure computed by summing mentees supported each session over all the sessions
Silver Generation
Ambassadors trained
ComLink+ families supported
across all 10 Social Service Office clusters
seniors engaged
through SGA programme across
all 17 Satellite Offices
senior-sessions generated^
across 28 Active Ageing Centres & Senior Care Centres
^impact measure computed by summing seniors supported each session over all the sessions
seniors befriended and buddied
across 86 Active Ageing Centres nationwide
Please direct questions and comments to Ms Jamie Tai (Senior Manager, NUS Cares Taskforce) at
The NUS Communities & Engagement (C&E) programme offers transformative service-learning and engagement-learning opportunities that empower students to address societal challenges and contribute meaningfully to social services and community development.
In service-learning courses, students design and conduct impactful projects and volunteer work within a national framework that directs efforts toward critical needs. These courses uniquely combine academic learning with structured hands-on service work, equipping students with essential skills for volunteering and reflexive learning. At the same time, they provide thoughtful and sustained support for the community to make a difference.
In engagement-learning courses, students apply academic knowledge to understand or solve real-world community challenges. As they do so, they develop insights, propose solutions, or conduct activities to bring direct or indirect benefits to the community.
Through experiential learning, the NUS C&E programme inspires and empowers our youth to take proactive steps towards creating positive change and building a better future for all.