
About NUSOne

In a world of constant change, higher education is key to preparing students for the future workscape. Beyond academic competencies, students need diverse skills and attributes to effectively navigate change, which can be challenging.

NUS has been proactively transforming its formal and informal curricula. Flexible academic pathways, interdisciplinary education, and a general education curriculum that hones intellectual versatility and competencies like data literacy, digital literacy, and cultural awareness are now in place for most undergraduate degree programmes.

NUSOne is the latest initiative to enhance the informal curriculum beyond the classroom. Starting from Year One, NUSOne fosters a holistic and well-rounded university experience that integrates formal learning with Student Life and other out-of-classroom experiences.

Three key features of NUSOne:

A Smoother
Start to University Education

The Transition to Higher Education (T.H.E) Programme will acquaint first-year students with academic and non-academic essentials. A First-Year Guide will also be available to provide useful guidance for navigating students' journey on campus.

A Journey of
Self-Discovery &

The student life roadmap will guide students in navigating a wide range of out-of-classroom activities, allowing them to personalise non-academic development in diverse areas such as arts, sports, community engagement, and personal development.

A Holistic
Student Experience &
Graduate Narrative

To enable students to create a more comprehensive and holistic university narrative, the University is exploring ways to recognise student life and out-of-classroom engagement alongside academic achievements.