Date: 11 Aug to 13 Aug 2021 (Wednesday to Friday)

Time: 11am to 6pm

Venue: Zoom and Youtube Live

NUSSU Student Life Fair (SLF) is a highly anticipated annual event that awaits you! With student organisations coming together to showcase their talents and recruit new members, SLF celebrates the diversity and vibrancy of student life and its various opportunities. This year, we are conducting online events to introduce and promote all the student organisations in NUS.

Stay tuned to our updates on InstagramTelegram Channel or see full schedule here!

Save the Date! 



SLF21 Livestream Day 1 (11 Aug) ft. NUSSU + Arts

  • Talk Show @ NUSSU
  • Talk Show @ CAC & CFA
  • CAC Performances
  • NUSSU Showcases
Download Live@NUS Schedule 

SLF21 Livestream Day 2 (12 Aug) ft. Reg Soc, IGs & Sports

  • Talk Show @ Registered Societies
  • Talk Show @ Interest Groups
  • Talk Show @ Sports 
  • Registered Societies & Interest Groups showcases
Download Live@NUS Schedule 

SLF21 Livestream Day 3 (13 Aug) ft. Sports & Grand Lucky Draw

  • Talk Show @ Sports 
  • Sports showcases
  • Grand Lucky Draw
Download Live@NUS Schedule 

Event Highlights


Virtual Booths

Hosted on Zoom, SLF'21 aims to provide freshmen with an experience similar to a physical fair where they are allowed to interact virtually with the seniors from various CCAs via Zoom.


SLF Goodie Bag x NUSSU Welfare

What is #Unilife without freebies? Goodie bags will be distributed offline at selected faculties during the event days. Also, keep a lookout for the exclusive Freshman T-Shirt brought to you by NUSSU Welfare!

Student Life Fair 2021 CCAs


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How to get in touch with us


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In collaboration with:

NUS Office of Student Affairs Logo