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What is UROP?

The intent of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) is to formally involve undergraduate students in research activities under the supervision of faculty members in their respective fields of study. UROP aims to enhance undergraduate students’ knowledge of, and acquire the skills required for, the intellectual process of inquiry. Undergraduate students who are enrolled in UROP are awarded modular credits for their work on their research projects. UROP is offered at various the Colleges, Faculties and Schools. Details for course registration and assessment can be found in their respective UROP pages.

What is REx?

REx refers to the Research Experience Programme. REx is designed to enhance the existing Undergraduate Research
Opportunities Programme (UROP) and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme in Science (UROPS)
*Deepening the experience of UROP in STEM disciplines
*Attracting more professors and students in non-STEM disciplines to offer UROP
*Creating more opportunities for students to have rewarding experiences of research and research impact

"I came to Singapore on exchange seeking to fully immerse myself in biomedical research. In the end, I found all of that and more. A key reason why was because of REx. I was given opportunities and experiences which went beyond my imagination. The interdisciplinary nature of the REx programme, bringing scholars from all backgrounds together, also meant that I was free to explore novel ways of presenting my research unconfined by the natural sciences. The whole point is to make research findings accessible to everyone. Ultimately, REx is what you choose to make it: the programme’s freedom and fine-tunability is its greatest strength. Although it can be challenging, I believe that conducting research is one of the most fulfilling paths a person can pursue. Programmes like REx are necessary and lead the way in preparing students to conduct some of the most valuable contributions one can make to humankind. "
Clarissa Sastrawidjaya
Pharmacology, First REx Graduate

A Glimpse of our REx Workshops

Research MethodoIogies

Ideate – To define or scope ideas to show novelty or identify gaps in research (by using effective search techniques) 

Search – To adapt various search strategies using different sources Measure and 

Enhance – To understand the basics of Scholarly Communication: publishing matters, research impact and research data management Overview of Research Methods in HASS or STEM

Ethics in Research

This 2-part workshop will introduce REx Fellows to ethical issues in research; i.e. data management, publication practices, authorship criteria, research integrity, misconduct, questionable research practices, conflicts of interest. Fellows will learn how to apply ethical principles and exercise reasoned judgement when facing ethical problems or dilemmas in research related situations.

“The REx program provided an invaluable opportunity to connect with diverse individuals while learning the fundamentals of research in sciences and humanities. Through thought-provoking discussions and collaborative projects, I gained insights into various methodologies and communication strategies. The program’s supportive faculty and mentors guided me, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and innovation. This transformative experience has equipped me with the skills and knowledge to excel academically and professionally. I highly recommend this program for those seeking a rewarding research journey.”
Yin Chuan
Biological Sciences