University Awards

Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award

Fostering a culture of advising and mentorship, rather than student supervision, transforms the collaboration between graduate students and professors. This creates space for greater imagination and original thought. Professor Abhik Roychoudhury
Provost’s Chair Professor
Department of Computer Science
School of Computing
Read Citation
  • Software testing and analysis
  • Software security
  • Trustworthy systems
  • Emphasising creativity and collaboration over traditional problem-solving, Prof Roychoudhury has sought to recruit students from diverse backgrounds, encourage new ideas, and engage actively in research discussions with his students.
  • Encouraging students to be original thinkers and collaborators, he has fostered an environment of more active student involvement in the research process, urging them to chart out new research directions via constant discussions. While acknowledging that implementation and experimentation remain critical parts of the research process, he is also a champion of imagination in research.
  • Through a distinct mentorship approach that seeks to develop his students holistically, he has opened the pathway for talent from around the world — including Singapore, China, Germany, Malaysia, Russia, Vietnam, and the US — to become faculty members at highly ranked universities globally, including the Max Planck Institute, University College London, and Peking University, among others.
  • He has nurtured research leaders who have excelled on the global stage, garnering international research awards — including the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Dissertation Award and Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship — and leadership recognition both during and beyond their PhD studies.
  • Steering Committee Chair, Association for Computing Machinery International Conference on Foundations of Software Engineering (2023–26)
  • Programme Committee Chair, International Conference on Software Engineering (2024)
  • Associate Editor, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (since 2023)
  • Team lead for the National Research Foundation-appointed one-year study on foundational research capabilities in security and privacy (2021–22)
  • International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Most Influential Paper Award, a ten-year test-of-time award given to the ICSE 2013 paper “SemFix: Program Repair via Semantic Analysis” (2023)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers New Directions Award for contributions to research on symbolic execution (2022)
  • Best paper / distinguished paper award at numerous international conferences, including recently from FSE (2024), ASE (2022), AsiaCCS (2021), and ICSE (2020)
  • PhD, MS (Stony Brook University)
  • BEng (Jadavpur University)
 Honour Roll Recipients