To engage every section of the NUS community in transforming the educational
landscape of the University.
Its aims and purposes are as follows:
- To foster a balanced culture of educational and research excellence, and to
underscore the University’s commitment to quality education
- To provide a platform to engage outstanding teachers, enabling them to
share their expertise and develop new pedagogies
- To recognise members of the NUS community who have maintained a high
level of teaching excellence and have helped raise the quality of NUS education
- To enhance quality assurance and serve as a benchmark for excellence in
teaching and learning
The Teaching Academy is composed of excellent teachers who have made
significant contributions to education at NUS. Known as Fellows, they work
together to further the vision, mission and aims of the Academy. Fellows engage
in the scholarship of teaching and learning; serve on university-level committees;
review existing processes related to teaching and learning; advise university
management; organise various programmes, including masterclasses, mentorship
schemes and outreach activities; and act as ambassadors and connectors for
teaching and learning matters within and beyond NUS.