University Awards
I was lucky to start work in the free radical / antioxidant field when few people were interested in it. Now everybody is: redox biology is a fundamental driver of evolution, life, health, disease and death. Prof Barry HALLIWELL
DPhil (University of Oxford); DSc (University of London); BA (First Class) (University of Oxford)
Department of Biochemistry
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  • Molecular mechanisms of cell injury and death in human disease, especially cancer, neurodegeneration and cardiovascular disease
  • Antioxidants in nutrition, health and disease, and the role of novel antioxidants as therapeutic agents
  • Mechanisms of ageing and age-related disease and strategies to delay or prevent the onset of age-related diseases
  • Discovered a key defence mechanism (the ascorbate-glutathione cycle, now often called the Halliwell-Foyer-Asada cycle) in plants that defends against oxidative damage, a breakthrough that holds promise of growing plants capable of resisting environmental stress
  • Pioneer in elucidating the role of metal ions in free radical damage, impacting the study of diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, cancer, thalassaemia and arthritis
  • Conceived and utilised novel methods to undertake the complex task of measuring levels of free radicals and the damage they cause in vivo, enabling the mechanism and significance of free radical damage in diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease and dementia to be understood
  • Contributed significantly to furthering the understanding of the biological importance of damage caused by reactive nitrogen species including the development of an original method to measure such damage accurately for the first time
  • Consistently secured generous competitive research funding from governments, industry and universities
  • Highly collaborative within and outside Singapore and adept at organising large-scale research
  • Strong ability to identify areas of unresolved challenges in biology and bringing scientific know-how to devising solutions to tackle the problems
  • Published over 400 original papers in internationally refereed journals, with over 6,000 citations received
  • Co-authored a textbook entitled Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine (Oxford University Press) that is regarded worldwide as an authoritative, reputable and comprehensive reference book (cited 13,270 times)
  • Holds a Hirsch Index of 134, signifying extraordinary impact of research
  • Among the world’s most highly cited researchers in three fields - Biology and Biochemistry, Neuroscience and Behaviour, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and one of two in Singapore to be accorded this recognition
  • Widely sought-after consultant by governments, national research bodies, industry and universities around the world
  • Serves on the editorial boards or as reviewer for leading academic and medical journals worldwide, such as Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Letters and Antioxidants and Redox Signalling
  • Presented numerous keynote and invited talks at multiple international and prestigious conferences around the world
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, Canada (2011)
  • Designated as one of nine "Redox Pioneers" by Antioxidants & Redox Signalling, the leading journal in the free radical field (2011)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, International Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2008)
  • Lab in Singapore ranked first worldwide in Free Radical Research by total citation score (2007 - 2011)
  • Founding Member, World’s Most Influential Scientists in Biology and Biochemistry, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) (2000)
  • Top Cited Scientist in the United Kingdom in Biomedical Sciences, ISI (1999)
" To employ our knowledge of redox biology to prevent or delay age-related human diseases, especially the dementias and to influence the ageing process. "
 Honour Roll Recipients