Water resources and coastal engineering had a place in the early infrastructural planning and development of the island nation of Singapore, and it will perhaps have an even more important place in the future.
Prof CHEONG Hin Fatt
PhD (Colorado State University);
MSc (University of Cincinnati);
BEng (University of Singapore);
Professional Diploma (Singapore Polytechnic)
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
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Scientific Achievements
- Well-known to peers for research on applying probabilistic analyses to hydraulic phenomena in the area of stochastic hydraulics
- Credited for impactful work in coastal hydraulics and computational hydrodynamics applicable to tidal circulations, sedimentation and mud transport and water quality in coastal areas
- An expert in physical hydraulic modelling, surges in pumping systems and wind effects on buildings, and engaged as a consultant for such specialist studies by government agencies and industry in Singapore and the region
Academic And Service Achievements
- Contributed distinguished scholarship as well as sustained academic leadership and service to the University since joining NUS in 1973
- Served as Dean of the NUS School of Design and Environment between 2000 and 2007, during which the architecture curriculum was re-aligned to a 4+1 framework with full accreditation achieved; the BSc (Building) course was revamped to become today's BSc (Project and Facilities Management) programme; the profile of the School was raised with significant infrastructural development for teaching and research; the Institute of Real Estate Studies was established; and the School hosted the multidisciplinary Masters programme in Environmental Management offered jointly by nine NUS faculties and schools
- Instrumental in introducing coastal engineering to the civil engineering curriculum in the 1970s, marking the birth of a pool of engineering talent to contribute to water resource development in Singapore and the region
- Successfully merged the Division of Environmental Science and Engineering with the Department of Civil Engineering
as well as secured continued full accreditation of the civil engineering and environmental engineering bachelor degree programmes
- Member, International Advisory Board, Journal of Hydro-environment Research (since 2007)
- Reviewer, Elsevier international journals (since 2007)
- Consultant, Housing and Development Board and JTC Corporation on mathematical modelling of tidal circulations and water quality in Singapore coastal waters (1993 – 2003)
- Board Member, Building and Construction Authority, Singapore (2000 – 2002)
- Chairman, Asia-Pacific Division, International Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (1996 – 2000)
- Council Member, Institution of Engineers Singapore (1991 – 1993)
- Member, Accreditation Committee, Professional Engineers Board, Singapore (1990 – 1993)
- Member, Joint Committee on Continuing Professional Development, Professional Engineers Board, Singapore (1989 – 1993)
- Member, Technical Committees, Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (1977 – 1983)
- Member, Public Service Commission Selection Board for Local Merit Scholarships (1977 – 1979)
- Member, Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee, School of Design and Environment (since 2013)
- Interim Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2010 – 2013)
- Dean, School of Design and Environment (2000 – 2007)
- Vice Dean (Academic), Faculty of Engineering (1995 – 2000, 1981 – 1989)
- Head, Department of Civil Engineering (1989 – 1995)
- Kenneth YD Gin Award for Best Paper, Institution of Engineers Singapore (1994)
- Harold Jan Schoemaker Medal, International Association for Hydraulic Research and Engineering (1990)
- Gold Medal, Singapore Polytechnic (1967)
" To continue contributing to the education of future generations of engineers in areas related to infrastructure adaptation and sustainability in the face of climate change."